When I first listened to this album – it was not so long ago – I did not know yet that his author is Enver Izmailov. And, frankly speaking, I was indifferent almost to everything for two days – since I was listening to nothing more, but to this album for two days at a run. I was listening only to this music, to this mad and divine (if you wish) mixture of everything with everything – the mixture, in which rhythm, melody, harmony and beauty are simple synonyms. Here emotions have an eastern shape of eyes, blood is full of southern temperament and skill has an absolute regularity and beauty of northern snowflakes. It is a secret known only to this person how he manages within several minutes to join radically different, if to judge outwardly, motives in his melody. As for us, we have nothing to do but to be enamoured in an unusual, effervescent and cosmopolitan talent of Enver Izmailov. Being one of the best virtuosos of the world, he does not flaunt with his skill and technical perfection of his personal performance. Like any real master, he plays notes in exact quantity and exactly there, as many and where it is really necessary. He creates a universal folk music of the nation that lives not on the earth, but on the Earth – creates confidently, gently, thrillingly, earnestly, simply and wisely. This music is worth listening to. Thanks to such music, our planet remains round.
Anton Jozhik Leyba (Hedgehog)
Publisher: Atlantic Catalogue number: 476 ATL CD-A Year: 2004
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- Enver Izmaylov
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CD1 |
1. |
 | D'Enver Blues
2. |
| Crimean Girl |
3. |
 | Tatar Dance
4. |
| Prelude |
5. |
| Tarantella |
6. |
 | To My Love
7. |
| Flight 7/8 |
8. |
| Kimono |
9. |
 | Eastern Funk
10. |
| Return (dedicated to G. Harrison & J. Lennon) |
11. |
| Amazon Forever |
12. |
| Eclipse |
13. |
| Chernobyl |
14. |
| Dubinushka |
| Total playing time: 49:44 |
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
This album is a tribute to rich musical tradition and also the result of many years work on performing and composing traditional flamenco. I have been learning to play to reach the soul of this musical phenomenon, to reveal the secrets of the art of flamenco.. – Eugen Sedko
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
The content of this album is rather in line with its title – romantic, world-famous tunes, light and soft performance, as if a touch of September air. And what makes the collection special is the author's guitar arrangements of almost all of the pieces presented here..
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
..these are anyway not flashes or explosions, but – light fog, hints, mid-tones, mid-shades.. Heat and cool interweave here rather whimsically – one only needs to make a little step aside to be inside, in the heart of the music, and for it to appear in one's heart.
Domestic price: 507.64UAH,
International price: $25.90USD
...And once again one gets convinced that it is not by accident that the guitar remains one of the most popular instruments in the world. It is able to convey this palette of feelings and so brightly when in trained hands that words become simply redundant.
Domestic price: 292.04UAH,
International price: $14.90USD
That's right: it is a fusion of diverse, multi-style guitar music and spicy rhythmic patterns – all of that together sounds very emotional and surprisingly rich. Another proof of that in order to create interesting, live music one does not necessarily need to gather a bunch of people.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Probably, you know music by Zoller. The key zest of this album, however, is that the main emphasis is put, strangely enough, not quite on the guitar: together with drums and the contrabass it creates the basic canvas, and the already mentioned contrabass together with the flute and, from time to time, the piano – add to the sounding the brightest and deepest colors, and not only solo..
Domestic price: 429.24UAH,
International price: $21.90USD
this music sounds timely – although, possibly, the point is that it simply does not belong to any definite time. And for this reason, having no rigid anchors, it feels comfortable anywhere, in any surroundings. In the end, one can hear in it echoes of the rock heat of the 1960s, and passion of flamenco, and blues and jazz greetings, and the school of the classic guitar, and country...
Domestic price: 292.04UAH,
International price: $14.90USD
The idea of the recording arose quite spontaneously, unexpectedly for the musicians themselves – however, the album sounds regular, balanced, sometimes even a bit cool. And at the same time – warm, transparent, delicate, soft. Nothing strange – for the April sky is so changeable...
Domestic price: 409.64UAH,
International price: $20.90USD
Thus, this time two guitarists at once will stand in the center of the project. And – in the tandem they sound very convincingly. The both musicians lead an equal dialogue – and that is really a talk, live communication, in which one can clearly hear both attentiveness and respect to the interlocutor.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
He is in the very heart of Flamenco.
Domestic price: 311.64UAH,
International price: $15.90USD
, Montreal, Canada
15-01-2010 02:02 |
Great guitarist, I love his music.
Too bad that's his only title available, even if it's an ucrainian site.
Olga Karaychentseva
, Киев, Украина
16-05-2007 10:37 |
Виват, Энвер! Такого мастерства владения гитарой лично я не слышала... (кожа дыбом) -- звучание от балалаечного до органного. Диапазон чувств, вызванных игрой Энвера, от оцепенения до содрогания... Превосходно! Вот только "Дубинушка", на мою думку, не вписывается в состав диска: то ли стилем исполнения, то ли духом самого произведения, но ее, я лично, пропускаю. А татарские мотивы то завораживают, то будоражат и бодрят... Словом, превосходно! Цена диска чуть-чуть кусается, но это из-за нашей материальной бедности. Как мне кажется , за такую музыку, а главное, исполнение стоят больше.
, Kiev
05-04-2007 20:38 |
давно хотіла придбати цей диск, але щойно побачена ціна дуже засмутила. Це дійсно гарний диск, але ціна... :(
, Цфат, Израиль
27-03-2006 19:41 |
Отличный диск ,хотя 13 и14 номера не очень и вписываются.Вообщем спасибо исполнителю и диллерам за полученный CD.