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Vasyl Symonenko. Silence and Thunder. The Selected poetry. /Ukr-Eng bilingual/.

Reviews (1)
Vasyl Symonenko. Silence and Thunder. The Selected poetry. /Ukr-Eng bilingual/.
"These new translations by the prominent Ukrainian scholar and translator Michael M.Naydan, Woskob Family Professor of Ukrainian Studies at The Pennsylvania State University, comprise the most complete bilingual Ukrainian-English edition of Vasyl Symonenko's poetry to date. It is illustrated by the graphic works of well-known Lviv artist Liudmila Loboda."
In Ukrainian/English.
Type of the edition: hard cover, dust cover
Format: 170x197 mm
Number of pages: 128, illustrated
Publisher: Piramida, Lviv


- Mykhaylo M.Naydan. Peredmova \ Michael M.Naydan. Introduction

- Budu tebe zhdaty tam, de vyshnja bila \ I'll be waiting for you where the white cherry tree

- Shum poliv \ The rustling of the fields

- Hnivni sonety: \ The angry sonnets:

1. Pohoda \ 1. Weather

2. Bez nazvy \ 2. Without a title

- Perespiv z narodnoji \ A folk variation

- Brama \ The gateway

- Malen‘ki sontsja \ Tiny suns

- Osinniy vechir morozovi dykhav \ The autumn evening breathed to the frost

- Zymovyy vechir \ The wintry evening

- Ne dyvysja tak pechal‘no, briv pokhmuro ne pidvod‘ \ Don't look so sadly, don't raise your brows sternly

- U dushi mojiy \ In my soul

- Tysha \ Silence

- Ja tut odyn, mov u chuzhomu kraji \ I'm here alone as if I'm in a foreign land

- Hrudochka zemli \ A handful of earth

- My dumajem pro vas. V pohozhi litni nochi \ We think of you. During calm summer nights

- Verba \ The willow

- Mozhe, ty zi mnoju nadto stroha \ Maybe you are too harsh with me

- Jak khoroshe radity bez prychyny \ How good it is to be happy for no reason

- Niby krapli zhovti, v temnu vodu \ Like yellow droplets, ripe stars fall

- Bubnjavijut‘ dumky, prorostajut‘ slovamy \ Thoughts swell, they grow into words

- Chuju \ I hear

- Tysha i hrim \ Silence and thunder

- Berezy, v snihu zanimili \ Birches, mute in the snow

- Vse bulo. Doroha zakrychala \ Everything happened. The road began to scream

- Stil‘ky v tebe ochey \ You have so many eyes

- Ja dyvljusja v tvoji pereljakani ochi \ I look into your frightened eyes

- Mandrivnyk \ The traveler

- Chandra \ The veil

- Vpalo sontse v vechirnju kurjavu \ The sun fell into the evening dust

- Odurena \ She was played the fool

- Lebedi materynstva \ The swans of motherhood

- Dohmatyky \ Dogmatics

- Ponesy mene na krylakh, radoste moja \ Carry me on wings, my joy

- Osinniy dysonans \ Autumn dissonance

- Verby y topoli, dibrovy y haji \ Willows and poplars, oak groves and meadows

- Vstaje nad namy sontse, jak vstavalo \ The sun rises above us as it always has risen

- Samotnist‘ \ Loneliness

- Nayohydnishi ochi porozhni \ The most detestable eyes are empty

- Bereh chekannja \ Shore of anticipation

- Ljudy chasto zhyvut‘ pislja smerti \ People often live after death

- Ty znajesh, shcho ty – ljudyna? \ Do you know you are a person?

- Mynule ne vernut‘ \ You can't return the past

- Tam, u stepu, skhrestylysja dorohy \ There in the steppe roads crossed

- Z vikna \ From a window

- Prorotstvo 17-ho roku \ The prophesy of 1917

- De zaraz vy, katy moho narodu? \ Where are you now, torturers of my nation?

- Pokara \ Punishment

- Ne bazhaju ja nichoho, khochu til‘ky odnoho \ I wish for nothing, but I want only one thing

- Ljudy – prekrasni \ People are beautiful

- Je tysjachi dorih, mil‘yon vuz‘kykh stezhynok \ There are thousands of roads, millions of narrow paths

- Ja tikaju vid tebe, vid muky i vtomy \ I run away from myself, from torment and torpor

- Nekroloh kukurudzjanomu kachanovi, shcho zhnyv na zahotpunkti \ Necrology for a corncob that rotted at the procurement center

- Zahraje smert‘ irzhavoju truboju \ Death will play on a rusty horn

- Zemlja krychyt‘. Shynkujut‘ krov'ju viyny \ The earth screams. Wars trade in

Publisher: Piramida
Catalogue number: ISBN 9789664414705
Year: 2017

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Vasyl Symonenko

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See also:

Dmytro Pavlychko. Dva kolyory. "Ukrainian Poetry Anthology". (Two Colors)

The publication includes the best poems and long poems by Dmytro Pavlychko, one of the best known Ukrainian poets at the end of the 2nd millennium. The incredible temperament and thirst for life conditioned the poet’s breathtaking twists in the twentieth century, but love, being the most authentic compass, brought him back to the sunny paths of truth...
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Kostyantyn Moskalets. Poezia Kelii. (The Poetry of the Cell)

The new book by Kostyantyn Moskalets comprises his best poetry. The author touches upon the eternal themes of love and patriotism, turns to sources of Christian values – and over the years does not lose his relevance, it is enough to mention his songs performed by Taras Chubay, Viktor Morozov, and others.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Bohdan Boychuk. Mitolohia Karpat/ Hutsulska zrada. (Mythology of the Carpathians / Hutsul Betrayal)

The essence of the new book by Bohdan Boychuk can be conveyed with his own poetic lines: "At the edge of spring \ trembitas propped up the sky \ at the edge of spring \ the moon poured from the cask \ light of the mountains \ at the edge of spring \ the sun spread its roots into the ground \ at the edge of spring \ we fell in love."
Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Reviews (1)

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