Catalogue -> For Children -> Songs and Lulabies

Mykhaylo Chemberzhi. Christmas Lullaby. Opera-vertep.

Reviews (2)
Mykhaylo Chemberzhi. Christmas Lullaby. Opera-vertep.
The composition you will hear is created in the best traditions of musical fairy tale genre, that’s why it deserves special attention. After all, we’ve got used to take the mystery of Christmas as particularly religious. But children see the world not like grown-ups – it means that they require an unusual language. And the language of a fairy tale, which possesses deep colours and the capability to render even difficult things with simple words, is exactly what is needed. The music composed by Mykhailo Chemberzhi creates a nice and charming background and renders very well the essence of the events at an emotional level. Bohdana Boika, in her turn, adapts the Bible narration in such a way that it will be quite easy for children to understand it. Besides, the skill of actors of Kyiv city puppet-show plays a great role as well. All characters of the opera-vertep are bright and clearly sketched, having features that are easily recognized and remembered. Sometimes they look even a bit grotesque – that’s why for little children this fairy tale may be a bit difficult. Here parents should decide by themselves. But in general, the composition copes with its task well – it tells a child why Christmas is such an important holiday for many people in this world.

Publisher: Ethnodisc
Year: 2004

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Mykhaylo Chemberzhi

Domestic price: 350.84UAH
International price: $17.90USD

Reviews (2)

  Полина , Черкаси
18-01-2009 11:11


  виктория , киев
25-03-2007 13:13

замечательная музыка и текст.Есть такие моменты, что мороз пробирает.Всем советую приобрести этот диск и воспитывать своих детей на замечательном материале.