"The album "The Dream Walks By..." includes 12 lullabies. These are, both, known and little-known folk lullabies, as well as authors' ones – and those composed based on music by other authors (e.g., "The Moon Over Our Hut" with lyrics by M.Isakovsky translated into Ukrainian by Olha Hura). The melodies sound original due to arrangements created by studio professionals. The album also includes the author's poems for children by Olga Guri, while in the pauses between songs specific sound effects are used (creaking doors, singing birds, crickets, noise of the wind, children's laughter, a babbling brook, the Celtic harp, the Irish flute). Meanwhile, the album takes a child through the seasons (everything starts with creaking steps on the snow, then the compositions represent the spring, summer, the thunder and autumn rain are heard – and then the creaking steps on the snow again, fading). Combined with the singer's soft, lulling vocal, the recording creates an incredible atmosphere of a fairy tale, wonder, joy, and peace, which is so needed by an infant for easy, pleasant falling sleep with enchanting sounds of lullabies." The Author
Publisher: author Year: 2013
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- Olga Hura
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