Catalogue -> Folk -> Traditional Solo Singing and Choirs

Nina Matvienko. Kolyskova zori. (Lullaby to a evening-glow)

Reviews (4)
Nina Matvienko. Kolyskova zori. (Lullaby to a evening-glow)

Finally, some unfair gaps in our music space start to be filled in – it has already been ripening for a long time. In other words, here you will hear songs that actually have not been released earlier. Nina Matvienko... is it possible to estimate how many people all over the world learned about existence of Ukraine due to her singing? And this also means that they not simply learned about it, but through extreme, truthful beauty and depth. Such force and clearness are there in her voice that even songs familiar for a long time sound so fresh, as if for the first time. To say nothing of less known songs – their sounding at once bewitches, grasps all of your attention entirely. And such attention is generously rewarded – at least, I have listened to this disk several times successively, and could not interrupt it. And I will listen to it again – this voice involves you into extreme, huge, real riches. I feel that it is completely not necessary to understand words here – it suffices to distract from the text and just listen how the voice flows, how the force varies, brightness, depth, intonation change... Actually, I even not at once paid attention to that the songs are performed without additional music accompaniment – so densely, harmoniously the voice fills the whole space. However, if we already talk about singing by Nina Matvienko, it virtually always happens - such qualitative filling, content. She sings for one person as if for the whole world – and she sings for the whole world as if for one person...

Anton Jozhik Leyba (Hedgehog)

Publisher: Taras Bulba Entertainment
Catalogue number: TBE-F012-2
Year: 2006

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Nina Matvienko

Domestic price: 644.84UAH
International price: $32.90USD
1.  Kolyskova zori
2. Mp3Oj davno-davno
3.  Oj bula v mene maty-machuha
4.  V mene bat'ko jak cvit
5. Mp3Oddala mene matinka
6.  Bula bidna vdova
7. Mp3Oj pyla ja iz synamy
8.  Zazhurylasja vdova
9.  Oj u poli, poli bujnomu
10. Mp3Oj hodyt' son kolo vikon
11.  Hodyt' zhuravel' po rilli
12. Mp3Solovejku, synku
13.  Oj pid lisom, pid Samburom
14.  Matinko moja, de ty, dolja
15.  Pryjihala poshta
16.  Ishla vdova dolynoju
 Total playing time: 46:26

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

See also:

Maria Mykolaichuk. Oy, chervona kalynochko. Golden Collection. (Oh, Red Snowball Tree)

Everybody knows her name. But only experts and the nearest circle of friends know Marichka Mykolaychuk as she is represented on this disc. The singer's uniqueness is not only in the unique manner of performance that can be defined as "accomplished simplicity", which only few can achieve...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

Reviews (4)

  , Луцьк, Україна
06-05-2010 21:59

Чи можливий взагалі такий варіант, як - поспілкуватися з Ніною Матвієнко в Інтернеті. Відвідав її офіційний сайт, але, нажаль, крім єдиного інтерв'ю та біографії там нічого не відшукав. Можливо є якісь інші сайти, де можна поспілкуватися з співачкою, тоді вкажіть будь ласка. Буду дуже вдячний.

  Галина , Москва, Россия
02-09-2007 16:22

Это просто счастье, что я нашла в интернете ваш сайт и смогла заказать диски с песнями Нины Матвиенко. Люблю очень этот голос, эту певицу.Слушаю и тогда, когда грустно и вспоминается детство, и когда радостно. Её хочется слушать и теперь я имею эту возможность!!! Спасибо!

  , italia
27-08-2007 12:26

Grande voce, grande disco!!!
Great voice, great album!!!

  , Буринь, Сумська обл., Україна
28-11-2006 23:32

Раджу всім кого цікавить Українська культура, бо це справжній голос нашої землі !!!
Як говорять на англійській - must have!