Catalogue -> Folk -> "Ukrainian Ethnic Music" series

Cvite teren. Ukrainian ethnic music.

Reviews (2)
Cvite teren. Ukrainian ethnic music.

There is some general impression of this entire story. A simple impression. Thank God, there still exist people on the earth who in contrast to most of us not only listen to songs. These are the people who sing. These are the people who make recordings.

Left-bank Kyivshchina might have been influenced by Russian culture more than other regions. This fact becomes apparent from vocabulary, repertory and musical instruments – you see, even balalaika is played there. Still, in any case, today it is our culture and a part of our tradition, though not so old. All the same, if singing is really beautiful, then it is really beautiful, whatever it may be caused by. This particular singing is exactly like that. I am even glad that I do not come to know the particulars and that’s why I can simply listen and feel an ingenuous pleasure of it. I can be amazed again and again, as if it were for the first time, at how nicely our people sing and how melodious our language is. I am glad that all that exists and I can join to it. I can join to it not like a connoisseur, but simply to join, that’s all. Let it be this way. Like a human being.

Anton Jozhik Leyba (Hedgehog)

This CD is a remastered edition of "Tradition songs of Kyiv region. Authentic performing".

"Ukrainian Ethnic Music" series came out of many ethnographical expeditions to different region of Ukraine. Compact discs have stylish design. In the colourful booklets you will find information about the places where recordings were made, stories about performers, lyrics of the songs etc. Information is given in Ukrainian and English.

Publisher: Atlantic
Year: 2004

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1.  Oj siv Hrystos ta j vecherjaty
2.  Oj u sadu vyshnevomu
3. Mp3Ishov monah iz pohodu
4.  Oj, hljan' maty na mij posad
5.  Hopak
6.  Oj na tim boci
7.  Hody, hody nasha pannochko
8.  Sho po polju, po shyrokomu
9.  Napyvsja, napyvsja z dorohy zbyvsja
10.  Zashumily lozy
11.  Pol'ka
12. Mp3A mij mylyj hor'ka p'janycja
13.  Scho p'jatnycja pochynal'nycja
14.  Da proschaj, proschaj da Halochko
15.  Posluhajte podruzhen'ky
16. Mp3Oj u ljuli, dytja spaty
17.  Scho na Petra hlib ja pekla
18.  Komaryns'ka
19.  U nedilju rano syne more hralo
20.  Iz – za hir - hory jidut' mazury
21.  Divech-vechor
22. Mp3U nedilju ja na jarmolok hodyla
23.  Oj sonechko kotyt'sja
24.  Pol'ka
25.  Rozkopaju horu
26.  Oj chy toj to Omel'ko
27.  Zacviv teren jasno
28.  Krakov'jak
29.  V subotu piznen'ko
30.  Korovaju-raju. Pich nasha rehoche
31.  Ishly vony oj iz dibrovy
32.  Oj na hori snih upav
 Total playing time: 72:02

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

See also:

Kiyv Kobza Guilds, "Otava" group. Ya my hodymo prokhozhaemo. Zabuti pisni Kyivschyny. (Lost Songs of Kyiv Region)

It’s not a secret for anybody that long ago due to all kinds of perturbations of culture in Kyiv region it was not simply ruined, but practically destroyed – political centers always pay high price. Still today Ukrainian revival of basic cultural layers acquires bigger and bigger range...
Domestic price: 348.60UAH, International price: $24.90USD

Reviews (2)

  , Луганськ
18-02-2011 13:08

З усієї серії у цьому альбомі танцювальні та жартівливі пісні заводять з перших звуків. На днях народження тепер замість "Happy birthday" затягуємо: "Іменник наливає - товариство випиває за многая літ!" з трохи переробленої "Ой, у вишневому садочку". А у походах, особливо у негоду, виспівуємо "Ішов монах із походу"!

  , Обнинск, Россия
12-09-2009 16:37

Это моя любимые песни. Хотя я давно не живу на Украине и предпочитаю говорить "на Украине", а не "в Украине", я по прежнему и пою, и с удовольствием читаю, ведь раньше многое можно было прочесть только по-украински.