Catalogue -> Jazz & almost -> Urban Fusions

Braty Bluzu. One Autumn Concert. (live). /digi-pack/.

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Braty Bluzu. One Autumn Concert. (live). /digi-pack/.
So far, this is the latest album by the group "Braty Bluzu", and till recently it was only possible to buy it at concerts. And since the group gives concerts in Ukraine not too frequently – we are glad that from now on this disc can be seen in our stock as well. Because, first, "Braty Bluzu" have long ago already – and absolutely deservedly – become a living legend of the Ukrainian jazz-rock. And, second – and this is, probably, even more important – the album is really good and interesting. Interesting, foremost, due to its ambiguousness. Sure, there is a rock spring – though not so obvious as in the anniversary album. But its foundation is still jazz aesthetics of the European standard, so to say – the greatest merits in this aspect, we believe, should be attributed to Myroslav Levytsky, the pianist and, actually, the composer. Plus – bright colors arise due to references to the Ukrainian folklore. And the leading role in this case is played by the violin – but Kyrylo Stecenko adds with his playing both freer, more airy moods. Plus – the Austrian guitarist Rens Newland took part in the concert (and in two pieces he also plays percussions), and this also added freshness to the general sounding of the project. As a result, "One Autumn Concert" appears very atmospheric and, at the same time, saturated. But you will hear it yourself...

Publisher: Atlantic
Year: 2007

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Braty Bluzu

Domestic price: 448.84UAH
International price: $22.90USD
1.  piano (1)
2. Mp3p.s. (script)
3.  just a moment (3)
4. Mp3just a moment (2)
5. Mp3flight: Vienna-Paris
6. Mp3Rain? (beginning)
7.  Vienna Woods
8. Mp3Rain? (continuation)
9.  piano (2)
10.  Rain? (end)
11. Mp3Oj-ja or soundtrack
12.  Authentic life (part 1)
13.  piano (3)
 Total playing time: 43:32

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

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