There is no need to speak long about this disc – its title speaks for itself. You can hardly think about a lot of other so promising themes for songwriting as this one. At least, there are so many Ukrainian songs devoted to mothers that they would, probably, make at least ten more collections of the kind – and here I mean folklore songs only. And there are also authors' songs, and they can be found in every style of music, from art rock to hip hop. But it is, maybe, among variety songs that there is the greatest number of these ones. At all events, in the context of Ukraine this is for sure, because the variety genre of pop-music has a long-lasting tradition and an enormous amount of performers here. And – virtually every variety performer has in his/her repertoire at least a couple of such songs. In the end, our mothers truly deserve that songs of gratitude were devoted to them – life of humankind lasts till there are mothers in the world, just mothers. So, no surprise that from time to time new collections of such songs appear. And let them keep on appearing in the future – generally speaking, they are a certain sign of humanism, aren't they?
Publisher: Med Catalogue number: K0139 Year: 2006
Domestic price: 138.60UAH
International price: $9.90USD