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Carpathian bluegrass
Domestic: 350.84UAH
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Catalogue -> MP3-CD -> Variety Art

Duet "Svitjaz'". 46 tracks in mp3 format.

Reviews (2)
Duet "Svitjaz'". 46 tracks in mp3 format.

As far as I know, this very disc was destined to become the first official, so to say, album of the “Svitjaz” duet. Earlier, songs of the duet could be found only in various collections. It surprises even more considering that virtually no serious variety art festival can do without these two men – and it is already far not the first year that it is so. Why? Probably, because the old variety art school is felt here – and we understand that the school was strong. That is on the one hand. And on the other – “Svitjaz” duet does not hide from any new trends. And another confirmation of that is the recent joint work with "Tartak". The result, as known, was characterized by high quality and success – which once again testifies to professionalism of all the participants. However, on this disc, you will hear, actually, the original version of this song, before the experiments. Well and, sure, 45 songs more – lyrical and playful, sentimental and serious. For this is – variety.

Format: mp3, 320 kbps

Disclamer: All software proposed AS IS. We do not guarantee that it will be working on your PC. We have tested every CD on our PC and it works fine.

Publisher: Mp3 records
Catalogue number: mp3 00582
Year: 2006

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Duet "Svitjaz'"

Domestic price: 252.84UAH
International price: $12.90USD
1. Mp3Ni, ja ne tu kohav
2.  Marija
3.  Ty moja
4.  Zhadaj
5.  Til'ky ty
6.  Donechka
7. Mp3Dorohi moji bat'ky
8.  Ne obicjaj meni ljubov
9.  Ja ne zhdu voskresen'ja
10.  Radist' moja
11.  Hochu vse zabuty
12.  Dni mynajut'
13.  Druh
14.  Prydvornyj muzykant
15.  Djakuju
16. Mp3Vil'nyj jak viter
17.  Obolon'
18. Mp3Romans
19.  Kraplynoju doschu
20.  Ty, ja
21.  Kazyno
22.  Nalyvaj
23.  Kinder
24.  Ukrajina
25.  Ja nikoho ne vynju
26.  Moloda hvardija
27.  Lystopad
28.  Osinnij dym
29.  Milioner
30.  Majak
31.  Namaljuj trojandu
32.  Mykola
33.  Slavutych
34.  Sluchajnaja vstrecha
35.  Rizdvo
36.  Mamo daj
37.  Dosch
38.  Lyst z Ukrajiny
39.  Husy
40.  Paroplavy hodjat' v more
41.  Hto vynen v tim
42.  Bystra voda
43.  Verbova stezhka
44.  Donechko!
45.  Na hvyljah Svitjazja
46.  Ja dorozhchyh ne maju hostej

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

Domestic price: 252.84UAH
International price: $12.90USD
See also:

Pearls of Classical Music. Volume 2. Ukrainian mp3 Collection.

The first part is instrumental music: it is world classics collection, as well as a collection of extraordinarily familiar and popular waltzes performed by brass orchestras. The second part is two collections devoted to the vocal art: "Ukrainian Solo Singing" and world classics performed by children choral collectives.
Domestic price: 370.44UAH, International price: $18.90USD

Reviews (2)

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