Catalogue -> Variety Art -> Instrumental Variations

Yuriy Sayenko. Kvity u Rosi. Fantaziji na temy pisen' I. Bilozira.

Reviews (2)
Yuriy Sayenko. Kvity u Rosi. Fantaziji na temy pisen' I. Bilozira.

We remember Ihor Bilozir and his songs, though fortunately some of us not only remember them. Here in front of you there is the album of fantasies based on his songs, and these fantasies are simply wonderful, light and transparent like skillfully painted water-colors. In them you can find not so much color as the impression of color, the impression of lines. They breathe, and their breath resembles the aroma of wild flowers and the wind of a garden in spring. They are filled with that warm light, which doesn’t allow you to see the sun rays, but it allows you to see how everything around you seems to shine from inside changing the space with its light – and in this space there is enough room for all gladness that people, who can be glad sincerely and without any noise, know very well. There’s no need to make any noise - you should only see, listen and breathe with open hands and clear forehead. There’s nowhere to hurry. As a matter of fact, returning to the very beginning, I should say that I simply don’t imagine a more appropriate way of paying respect to a person, especially to an artistic person, in other than artistic way. Moreover, if art is embodied into such harmonious forms.

Anton Jozhik Leyba (Hedgehog)

Publisher: Studija Leva
Catalogue number: СD 0 - 91
Year: 2005

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Yuriy Sayenko

Domestic price: 233.24UAH
International price: $11.90USD
1.  Kvity u rosi (Proloh)
2.  Pershyj snih
3. Mp3Rozpytaju pro ljubov
4.  Kolyskova
5.  Ne spy myla skla
6. Mp3Nadyvljus' na tebe
7.  Dzherelo
8.  Vichne sonce
9.  Vesil'nyj marsh
10.  Spovid'
11.  Kohanyj
12.  Vid Boha
13.  Rushymo, rushymo
14. Mp3Svitlycja
 Total playing time: 47:00

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

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Reviews (2)

  Макс , Москва, Россия
19-12-2007 22:59

Запоминающийся альбом с незабываемой музыкой. Авторы представляют здесь импровизации на темы песен Игоря Билозира. Как это часто случается на диск наткнулся случайно, но дальше уже не смог пройти равнодушным. Слушая эти мелодии, тебя не покидает чувство чего-то светлого, лёгкого, с оттенком грусти... Потрясающий плод авторского труда, равно как яркая дань памяти незабвенному Игорю Билозиру, а также замечательный способ отвлечься от мирской суеты и окунуться в мир прекрасного.

  , Phoenix, USA
25-09-2006 20:52

Dyakuemo za Pam'yat' Ihora Bilozira.

Vin sluxae z Nebes svoyu muzyku u Vashomu vykonanni i skromno / yak zavzhdy/ usmixaet'sya.