Limited edition!
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Just a year has passed after the debut album "Simple Things". This makes one think that, probably, when starting his solo career, Dmytro Shurov was hiding up his sleeve more trumps, than just one disc. In any case, luckily enough, no "second album crisis" has happened. One may well call his new work "indie pop", but that is somehow far too dry for such a multi-component cocktail. Even from the perspective of the style, there is quite a rich mix of everything from hip-hop to dub and jazz-rock, and from electronic music to neo-retro. Nothing in its pure form, but a multitude of bright elements, elegantly and smoothly adjusted to each other and rather tastily flavoured with laconic fortepiano flashes. Plus, probably even more than last year, texts are important here. As a minimum, because the noticeable part of this album lyrics, in this or that way, speak patriotism, without banality and cheap appeals. Everything is simple and honest, making you feel somewhat eerie at times, and at times – serenely. It is about your home, which is your country, and about the home, which is your soul. Social lyrics introverted. In this context, the words "don’t stop dreaming" gain additional by-tones. There is, however another part there, more lyrical, but no less honest. It makes you curious, in other words, and wanting to listen, and not just once..