Limited edition!
The previous solo project by Svyatoslav Vakarchuk, "Vnochi" (At Night), was truly wide-scale – it involved dozens of jazz, rock and even classic musicians. And its main highlight was going beyond limits of certain styles, a bright alloy of those very jazz, rock and classics. The album "Brussels", instead, appears almost as a chamber one – there are only five creators of it – but it also offers something special. Not only because there are neat inclusions of other ways of musical thinking. Not only because the project was created by bright personalities – conscious musicians, each of them really having something to say. The main thing is that this music is not committed to a certain style, but rather to a certain brand, a quality of expression. So, if for the sake of this quality one needs to add some atypical colors – it happens in an easy and natural way. Such a cool simplicity. At the same time – it is a team play, in which no one pulls the blanket over himself. Clearly, Vakarchuk as the organizer and inspirer of the project is a certain center of gravity – but even this center is no