Catalogue -> Other -> Vocal Groups

Pikkardiyska Tertsia. Eldorado.

Reviews (3)
Pikkardiyska Tertsia. Eldorado.
"Pikkardijska Tertsiya" is, perhaps, the most successful team in Ukraine introducing a capella singing in the variety art context. However, in their albums they use some instrumental accompaniment, but it is always the bare minimum, because it is with their voices that the rich palette of sounding is created, due to which they became popular, and this popularity does not diminish over time. Every time one listens to them singing, one understands that there is, probably, no sound in music more live than the human voice – certainly, when it is able to reproduce the necessary nuances of moods and feelings. "Pikkardijska Tertsia" boasts having mastered enough of this skill, and the album "Eldorado" is another evidence of this. Their singing, as always, is wonderful, precious. I would even say that the album appears resonant, captivating with its inspired joy.
Let the cold and the winds... (Video version)

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Pikkardiyska Tertsia

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1.  Intro
2. Mp3Zahadkova
3. Mp3Dorohy
4.  Ty nikoly...
5.  Poludnica
6.  Hej, plyve kacha...
7. Mp3El'dorado
8.  Vperto idy
9.  Wedding March Song text
10.  Chervonen'kyj burjachok
11. Mp3Ty na zemli - Ljudyna
12.  L'viv
13.  Popuri №3
 Total playing time: 47:24

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

See also:

Beauty Band. Don't Forget...

First, as of the moment of its creation in 2000 this was – and, it seems, still is – the only female a capella jazz quintet in Ukraine . Secondly, the album was released in 2002. Honestly speaking, we no longer even hoped to see it in our catalogue. Currently, such a capella Ukrainian CDs as "Don't Forget..." or, say, "Interlacing" are a real great rarity.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

ManSound. Voyage.

ManSound offers walking in familiar places, but glancing at them through different eyes – and feeling anew the beauty of our world's singing. For the sake of this trip, the group has recorded one of its best albums – that is for sure. Therefore, no need to renounce the offer – let's go!
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD

ManSound. In the Name of Life... (in memory of Vladimir Mikhnovetsky)

Volodymyr Mihnovetsky. The creator and guardian of the group, masterful and inspired singer, composer, arranger, manager – each of participants of the sextet, probably, will confirm that without this person ManSound could just never have appeared...
Domestic price: 252.84UAH, International price: $12.90USD

Pikkardiyska Tertsia. Anthology. Volume 1.

...their singing enchants you again and again. And when they are performing "The garden of angelic songs", you almost believe that the songs are performed not by usual people. They themselves are not angels, of course, (though – who knows?), but angels perhaps join in their song...
Domestic price: 605.64UAH, International price: $30.90USD

Pikkardiyska Tertsia. Rock legends of Ukraine.

They are favourite singers and they deserve it.
Domestic price: 488.04UAH, International price: $24.90USD

Reviews (3)

  Mihailo Mansvetovic , Bristol, England
15-02-2008 16:08

Essential Tertsia, one of their best albums.

  , Одесса, Украина
31-10-2005 15:12

Здравствуйте, дорогие «УМКИ»!
Прежде всего хочу поблагодарить вас за вашу работу, ваш энтузиазм, за то, что собрали такую замечательную коллекцию, за интересное описание каждого альбома, внимательное отношение к каждому покупателю. Сайт очень качественный и надежный. Спасибо вам большое!
«Пиккардийская терция» – один из моих самых любимых коллективов. В первый раз услышала их выступление по радиоточке и была просто очарована. Как здорово, что у нас, на Украине есть такая талантливая группа. Сколько энергии, радости, доброты в их песнях! Именно благодаря им я полюбила украинскую музыку. Мне нравятся все альбомы «Терции». Мечтаю услышать их «вживую». Хочется, чтобы они чаще давали концерты в городах Украины, выступали на телевидении, чтобы больше людей узнало об их творчестве.

  , Київ, Україна
04-05-2005 10:49

Як на мене, альбом "Ельдорадо" дуже цікавий, як і вся творчість "Піккардійської терції" в цілому. Мені сподобалося, що до його складу ввійшли пісні, так би мовити, для різних настроїв: від сумних і дещо філософських до жартівливих і життєствердних. Мені здається, що альбом вийшов якийсь дуже людяний і щирий.Терція- супер! Всі альбоми!
Купуйте! Слухайте українське!