Pikkardiyska Tertsia. Ja prydumaju svit. (I Will Invent a World) | | Track Reviews (5) |
Having started once, you never stop being surprised at how much light these six ones bring into our world. Pikkardiyska Tertsiya has in its repertoire over 300 songs – and among them, apart from merry and easy ones, there are quite a lot of sad, serious pieces. These are often small but real dramatic works. However, music by Tertsiya never leaves the feeling of sorrow – vice versa. Each time you feel as if touching real beauty, that is why there remains just no space for gloomy moods. Even if there come minutes of some pensiveness – it is certainly light, transparent. From it, one never arrives at a deadlock, this music is as if the voice of a dream, a fragile but accessible way to harmony. Minimum – it just decorates your day, maximum – inspires your own creativity. Not necessarily creativity in the usual sense, these may be just smiles or warm words granted to native ones or to strangers on your way. In the end, creativity manifests itself above all not in works, but in the attitude – to the world, to people, to life itself. That is why we have nothing but thank Pikkardiyska Tertsiya – it constantly presents a great number of people with the opportunity of creative attitude to life. And the album "I Will Invent a World" is one of the best proofs to that.
Publisher: UKRmusic
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- Pikkardiyska Tertsia
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Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
See also:
First, as of the moment of its creation in 2000 this was – and, it seems, still is – the only female a capella jazz quintet in Ukraine . Secondly, the album was released in 2002. Honestly speaking, we no longer even hoped to see it in our catalogue. Currently, such a capella Ukrainian CDs as "Don't Forget..." or, say, "Interlacing" are a real great rarity.
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, Барнаул, Россия
27-12-2009 08:07 |
Может кто-нибудь подскажет? Где можно достать ноты для хора из репертуара группы "Пиккардийская терция"? Ну, очень нравятся песни! Очень-очень!!!
, Барнаул, Россия
27-12-2009 08:02 |
Мне очень нравится эта группа, отличное, профессиональное пение, чистые и яркие голоса! Просто шикарно!!!
, киев
26-09-2008 14:00 |
Самая элегантная стильная с европейским лоском украинская группа! Это то чем можно гордиться на мировом музыкальном уровне!
, Запоріжжя, Україна
03-05-2008 18:40 |
Нехай благословить вас Господь! Молодці!
, Калинівка Вінницької обл., Україна
22-06-2005 01:07 |
Жаль, що мало. Хорошого завжди мало.