So then, we deal with a collection of wedding songs. It is good because of two reasons. First of all, a wedding itself is always an actual business. Even if it does not concern you particularly, still at this moment somewhere somebody is celebrating his or her wedding. So, we may visit that wedding – and not empty-handed. I do not have any personal experience, but I have heard that at our wedding parties such music is often the most optimal variant and that’s why it is so popular. Then, if this music suits wedding parties, you may be sure in advance that it will suit any other kind of rest connected with a great number of guests and as much strong drinks per head as possible. In that way, thanks to brain lancet, the collection acquires the features of universality – being used as a background for entertainment in the style of “to drink – to dance”. I wish you to drink and to dance.
Publisher: Gold Lion Year: 2002
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