Do you still remember such phenomenon as Telepen’ky? Then you have every motive for joy – a new edition of hot news from this phenomenal anti-geographical place has appeared. May be, our guest does not require extra recommendations – his light and cheerful character, his positive attitude to rest, especially, accompanied by alcoholic drinks, are well-known to public. Still I will mention something. It is understandable that from the very beginning these series are meant to accompany rest and entertainment for adults in their all-possible manifestations. In other words, they do not perform things like that in conservatories. Still, even at that, the quality of collection changes, and changes for better. Yes, this is a simple music - like earlier. Still, in the course of time the programme becomes more multifarious, and it is important, especially if the disc is being played several times at a run.
Publisher: Med Catalogue number: K0080 Year: 2004
Domestic price: 182.28UAH
International price: $9.30USD