It is not clear why exactly such point of view dominates – but, in the majority of cases, weddings are considered to be a merry event. That is, during the celebration everyone must feel merry, warm, feel like dancing and singing – strange enough, but it is a fact. The young couple must feel especially good – to say nothing about guests – in such cases they know how to have fun at any circumstances. I wonder why? Well, they fell in love. Well, there will be a family. Well, the guys will feel good, and thus people close to them will also feel good – well, and what of that? Really, are there in the world no more important things? Well, are there really a lot of them? And are they so important in comparison with light in the heart? Scarcely so. Thus, it appears that the very fact of wedding is not enough yet. But when it is a fruit of love – then it is really important, and joyful, and worth a holiday. And where you have a holiday – there you already have music, and dances, and singing, etc. Don't you?
Publisher: Vitrjak rekordz Catalogue number: VR-17K-06 Year: 2006
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