The concert to present the new album by AntytilA "Nad polyusamy" (Over the Poles) will take place on November 29, 2013 in Kyiv Caribbean Club. Along with the album, AntytilA are going to present a new concert program.
The band's national tour will start in February, 2014.
It was in 2012 when several songs from the album were written and presented. Other tracks were finished only a month ago. No doubt, "Nad Polusamy" is a very important album for the band. For, it sets to close the common evolutionary album cycle. But in the same time, it points the music direction of AntytilA for the nearest future.
While the recording sessions were under way members of the band got through rather significant issues in their lives. Definitely, those issues couldn’t help but leave a mark on the new vision and feelings towards music. Several album tracks have already become fans’ favorites. They are "Olena", "Zasynaj Mene", "Tebe Moja Nevesta", "Idem Idem". But there are some songs to bring sheer revelation for the audience. Undoubtedly, neither track will fall through the cracks! Fans of Antytila will certainly discover the renowned "trademark" sound and melodies, sophisticated lyrics and familiar voice of Taras Topolya.
Please welcome - new but so dear and familiar AntytilA! Take a music trip with the band through "Nad Polusamy".
Концерт-презентація нового альбому гурту АнтитілА "Над полюсами" відбудеться 29 листопада 2013 р. у київському клубі Caribbean Club. Разом з альбомом АнтитілА презентують нову концертну програму. Всеукраїнський тур гурту розпочнеться у лютому 2014-го року.