Man with a unique voice will visit Ukraine for the first time with a single concert. So, if on this day you or your friends plan to be in Kyiv - you are welcome!
Master of singing a cappella, Bobby McFerrin combines jazz, folk and world music. In his unique music can be heard echoes of religious chants and academic classics. McFerrin vocal technique can be described with the word 'Unconventional'.
During his career singer worked with many legends of jazz: Chick Corea, Herbie Hancock, Joe Zawinul, Al Jarreau, Quincy Jones, Yo-Yo Ma, etc.
Bobby McFerrin is known not only as a singer and composer, but also as a conductor. And thanks to superhit "Don't Worry Be Happy" his name is worlwide known.
Bobby McFerrin will perform solo in Kyiv. Singing a cappella gives McFerrin an opportunity to demonstrate the full potential of the world's oldest musical instrument - the human Voice.
Host of the concert - Alex Kogan.
The cost of tickets - 150-800 hryvnia.
To order tickets please call 095 111 55 77 or visit us online: www.jazzinkiev.com or www.parter.ua
Partners of the project: a school of English "Oxford Class" (www.oxfordklass.com) and "Kvazar-Micro" (www.kvazar-micro.com).