In 2014, the celebration, obviously, has completely lost its sense for some – while for many (and not only in Ukraine), by contrast, it has acquired a new and true meaning. For them, the Independent Ukraine began in not 1991 – but only now, in 2014..
There are enough points of reference – both happy, and tragic ones. The countdown goes on.
Amazingly, we still live in a beautiful world – but we still remember better what caused pain, frustration, and emptiness. That makes it easier. But, my dear, it does not work that way. Seeing in the figures in front of you individuals – not generalized schemes – is a hard job. Hard, but if one does not do it – a war starts, during which it is even more difficult to do it. But if you do not do it – the war never ends. How many wars of the past 100 years can, in your opinion, be considered completed? World War II, for example, is still ongoing – while there are still the UNforgiven...
Is this right?
We ask this question, because the world is changing. And what about the people? And you personally? Can you live – in peace?
Your inner hygiene does not rescue you from an evil word or a bullet. Does not rescue you from the world. But – it saves the world.
There is a difference between love and tolerance, sure. But one without the other – is nothing.
It is just that now the independent Ukraine is an actual fact for much more people around the globe than ever before over the past 23 years, and it is not only about Ukrainians.
And this fact should be taken into account.
Regardless of whether you like it.
We like it.