And this is, probably, right – because someone else’s mind does not make you rich. Well, and our country is not one of those girls who desperately want to yield themselves (to marry) in order to seize happiness. Right? Well, and happiness, as we have already seen, is not there...
Mr. God, sure, has his own plan for everything – but human labor is able, it seems to me, to significantly alter, extend, supplement this plan. What we need is not to be afraid of being happy, and – create the happiness with our own hands, our satisfying work, but not based on misery of others. When there is light inside – it shines over the entire world...
Finally, as to me, any country in itself – is an abstraction. But it is based on – very concrete people. You and I. Let us not forget that being a human in this world is, among other things, a great deal of responsibility. Not collective one. Everyone – is responsible – for him/herself.