And, certainly, to the Kofein studio, where they are to complete work on their next album "Sunce Viter". The overwhelming majority of tracks have already been accumulated and completed, there are just a few compositions and general mastering of the musical material left to do.
Tanya Sha – the project's ideologist, composer, arranger and keyboard player: "In a certain sense this second album is an absolute contrast to our debut album. "The Worldest Music" was an expressively studio work, we used a lot of samples, invited a lot of musicians, I did not limit myself in the choice of means, and in no way reflected on the possibility of performing these compositions on the scene. This time everything is vice versa: almost all arrangements are intended for a certain composition, all of these songs have repeatedly been played at concerts. However, here we did not renounce studio possibilities either. Thus, for example, in the album version of the song "Swallow" six Svetislavs, four Mirkos, two Tanyas and two Olena sometimes sing simultaneously, and in the song "Spider Webs" two Dmitro Gluschenkos play – that is, the violoncello "double" sounds..."
In addition to the already mentioned songs, "Sunce Viter" is also supposed to comprise the songs "Quiet Ringing" "White Lullaby", "Sleep, Love, Sleep", "Nightingales Laugh and Cry", "Slowly /Gathering Potato", "Dry Dub", etc.
It is planned that the album will be released at a comprehensive support of umka.com.ua during the autumn. The exact date of the release is so far not known.