Tour of the outstanding Canadian vocalist Sienna Dahlen:
Concert agency CAD present
May, 11 - Kyiv, Art Club 44 (Khreshchatyk st., 44-b) beginning at 22:00
May, 12 - Rivne, Philharmonic Hall (Dragomanova st., 20) beginning at 19:30
May, 13 - Lviv, Philharmonic (Tchaikovsky st., 7), beginning at 19:00
May, 15 - Dnipropitrovsk, Cotton Bar (Sholom Aleichem st., 5), beginning at 20:00
May, 16 - Mykolaiv, Brewery Heinrich Schultz (Dunaeva st., 32), beginning at 20:00
Sienna Dahlen is a vocalist, instrumentalist, and composer of several styles of music, most of which fall into the jazz, folk and experimental categories. Her music has been compared to Joni Mitchell's work and
according to CBC Radio's, Katie Malloch, she has "a voice filled with Molten Light!" Sienna is based in Toronto, Canada but tours frequently in other areas of world, having made appearances in jazz festivals in Russia (MuzEnergo Music Festival), France (Festival Jazz à Saint-Germain des
Près), Mexico (Mérida International Jazz Festival), and Belgium (Handelsbeurs Kraakpand Series) with upcoming festival performances in the Ukraine (DoJe International Jazz Festival), Denmark (Aarhus Jazz
Festival) and France (Radio France Jazz Festival and the Jazz in Marciac Festival). In addition to her solo work, Sienna is a member of the Karl Jannuska Sextet (France) and the Baerentzen/Dahlen Project (Denmark). Both groups will be releasing new albums in the spring and summer of 2010. Sienna has also collaborated with many of Canada's finest jazz musicians including Christine Jensen, Dave Restivo, Jodi Proznick, Andrew Downing, Jim Doxas, Joel Miller, Christine Duncan, Mike Rud, among many others. In 2006 Sienna participated in the Banff International Jazz and Creative Workshop where she benefited from one on one instruction with composers such as Dave Douglas, Donny McCaslin, and Markus Strickland. In addition to having had several of her original works licensed for TV and film, Sienna's voice can be heard on the soundtrack of the 2007 Oscar-winning film, "The Danish Poet". Sienna holds a Bachelors and a Masters degree in Jazz Performance and is currently on faculty at the University of Toronto where she teaches Jazz Voice.