Alexander Sparinsky

Alexander Sparinsky - Composer, Musicologist, the author of music of more than 52 shows, performances, festivities, entertainment programmes, musicals, 17 films (incl. animation), more than 150 songs (for children; choral, pop, rock, folk, etc), 96 instrumental pieces, author of a lot of articles devoted to music, musicians and culture.
...My music career began at the age of five. Thanks to mummy...
After completing the Music Pedagogical Institute, 15 years later, I played for an army orchestra, at dances, weddings, for TV programmes before becoming a serious musician...Thanks to the Soviet Army!
The next stage in my development was at the age of 22, under the auspices of the "Ukr-Concert" organisation. Like a "Music-man" I played on keyboards, guitar, bass and other instruments for various bands and groups. My debut as a composer on the big stage was in 1979 when my music was put to Moris Carem’s lyrics. My creative life started!
...The yearning for real creative work as a composer led to self-education on such subjects as history of music, arrangement, music forms etc. My music began to resound throughout the USSR on TV and Radio...
A new milestone was reached when I started to experiment with electronic music. This experiment is still continuing...
Another big interest was journalism. I interviewed such stars as: Ravi Shankar, Pat Mathini, Pink Floyd, Stas Namin, Alexander Gradsky, Emi Steward, Suzy Quatro. Such interviews were welcomed by the press, moreover, they were a novelty at that time...Thanks to that time...
The result of endless searches for self-improvement was reflected in a discography of 9 albums varying in content, form and spirit...
information, photo from official site:


Alexander Sparinsky. Spring Singers, Rejoice! Multimedia edition.

You can listen these song on any CD player. In addition, you may put this CD into your PC with Internet Explorer installed and read a lot of information on church and civil traditions of celebrating of spring holidays in Ukraine
Domestic price: 429.24UAH, International price: $21.90USD

Alexander Sparinsky. Chary Kupal‘s‘koji nochi. Musical Suite. (CD extra). (Midsummer Night Magic)

Olexander Sparynsky has already repeatedly proved his creative professionalism – we could only mention his projects "Christ's Christmas 2000" or "Go Out, Vesnyanky!". In the end, "Spells of Kupala Night" is also a sort of polyphony, in which ancient ceremonies, modern technologies, authentic singing, improvisation thought, etc.
Domestic price: 429.24UAH, International price: $21.90USD