Atelye "Drabyna"

Folk and country band "Atel’e Drabyna" is from Kharkiv (Ukraine). It is named  Atel’e because we also write paintings, collect and restore Ukrainian traditional dress and music instruments besides making music. It is Drabyna because Drabyna  is a ladder in Ukrainian, it is the ladder between the deep past of our Europian culture and people in the modern 21st century.

The wide range of our music includes the Ukrainian Middle Age songs from the East of Ukraine (Kharkiv area) and other areas of the country, Europian folk music such as Irish and Scottish, music of the peoples of the world, for instance country and bluegrass of the States.

Sava Boris (vocal, pipes, block-flute, goat(Ukrainian bag-pipe), acustic guitar, mandolina, harmonica, lyra(hardy-gardy), okaryna, concertino, percussion)

Vanda Boris (Vocal, flute, accordeon, percussion)

Lyudmyla Bezborodova (Vocal, okaryni, drumba, percussion)

Michaylo Papush (Voca, bandjo, acustic guitar, lyra(hardy-gardy), mands, percussion, bass-guitar)

Sava Boris and a group of artists form the studio-atel’e "Drabyna" in Kharkiv. Atel’e Drabyna investigated old and new ways of creating a new face of Ukrainian art.

1987-1992 Atel’e Drabyna have organised many actions and
exhibitons in the Ukraine and abroad.
1992 Atel’e Drabyna as the organisation of artists collapsed.
1993 Sava Boris was determined to carry on finding the new approach to Ukrainian Art. Since being in his teens, Sava Boris always played music and was on of the foundator of rock-n-roll in Kharkiv. His interests in Ukrainian history, customs, music, clothes especially in the East part of Ukraine – Sloboschanchina increased by 1993. Folk-country band Atel’e Drabyna appeared with Sava Boris, Vanda Boris and Ludmila Polonska. Atel’e Drabyna didn’t only played Ukrainian folk, but also restored Ukrainian dress of many regions in Ukraine, making Ukrainian music instruments, sometimes from the description of old people in villages. The band also writes and plays own stuff as well.
1996-1998 There were many tours of Drabyna in the West of Europe in this period. Drabyna performed in clubs and took part in folk festivals in Netherland, Germany, Belgium.
1999 Sava Boris produced and hosted  the programme "Dilizshans" on the radio "Mayster" in Kharkiv. This programme was about folk and country music in the Western World. Michaylo Papush joined Drabyna.
2000  Recording the project with "Nokturnal Moturn".
2001  Recording the 1st album "Ne zabarymos", which has been on the market in 2002. Atel’e Drabyna deeply researches the colourful but unknown to the public Ukrainian folk and customs. Drabyna dedicates itself to  save and pass rich Ukrainian folk and traditions to the modern society without any "state" interpretation.

information, photo from official site:

We do not have compact discs of this artist for the moment