Bernard Werber
..they depart to conquer the continent of the dead and to find out the location of Paradise. For two and a half years, the writer studied in detail the theme of death in perception of different religions, mythologies, doctrines, he tried to discover points of intersection among known sacred texts and invented the new word "Thanatonaut", meaning "death sailor"..
Domestic price: 474.60UAH,
International price: $33.90USD
What is the work of an angel? Is it possible to influence a human choice? Can one make someone happy? Is there a limit on the path of cognition? The novel describes the world of angels in a thrilling way with fine humor, intermingling the plot vicissitudes with esoteric knowledge and scientific data.
Domestic price: 404.60UAH,
International price: $28.90USD
People and cats – under the same sky. Social cataclysms, wars, and epidemics have a detrimental effect on everything alive. Who will rescue the life on the planet? Maybe, this is cats' mission? The book presents reflections on eternal values, about life and death, love and hatred, religion and science, being responsible for those who are near, for those who were tamed... for cats.
Domestic price: 334.60UAH,
International price: $23.90USD
Overcrowding of the planet and other hazards make people build an interplanetary spaceship and go into space in search of a better place to live. And it would have been fine had the saviors of humanity taken the following into account: humans remain humans, and they took on the journey not only their virtues, but also their vices..
Domestic price: 334.60UAH,
International price: $23.90USD
How many lives does a person have? Do previous lives influence us today – our character, preferences, fears? Werber reflects on that – as always, in an interesting and thrilling way.
Domestic price: 418.60UAH,
International price: $29.90USD