Dalai Lama

Dalai Lama : Vasetskyy Olexandr - vocal, lirycs; Malcev Pavlo - vocal, lirycs; Gayduchyk Nazar – guitar; Dzindzjo Ihor – guitar; Petelko Oleksiy – bass, and Nemyrskyy Sergiy – drums.

"Greetings. I'm Dalai Lama. There are six of me: a lawyer, a journalist, an editor, an electrician, a chemist-cook and a soldier. So I can arrest You, feed You with some explosive mixture, strike You with a current, write about it, publish it and prove my rights to do all that to You legally. Cause' I: SEE Music! SAY Music!! LIVE Music!!! So far I'm here but I really want to step by to Your ears... that is, if You don't mind. So, if You also SEE Music – show me, if You also SAY Music – tell me, if You also LIVE Music – don't kill mine, cause' if You love another, then I'll shut mine up for You..."

information from: http://www.myspace.com/dalailamalviv

photo from: http://music.com.ua/news/alternative/2009/02/02/28431.html


Dalai Lama. the sixth turtle.

..the debut disc by the group "Dalai Lama" is a mouthful of cheerful hope indeed. Not least of all – due to diversity of the material. Dalai Lama switches from alternative rock to grunge, mixes up punk and disco, changes the internal tension of trip-hop for the seeming transparency of post-rock, quotes funk inside out, just has fun with the sound – and does it confidently.
Domestic price: 292.04UAH, International price: $14.90USD