KV - one of the most professional band in Ukraine , if not the only one. Now KV plays gothic rock/industrial mixed with romantic symbolism and ancient traditions, ancient Ukrainian culture and dark renaissance philosophy plus eternal search of whether God whether meaning of life.
Every song has its original root and is usually connected to Ukrainian customs and emits real Ukrainian spirit. The spirit that has almost disappeared because was almost destroyed. The spirit that KV now is regenerating in a great way.
The name and cast of the band didn't change from the beginning. In spite of the complicated and hard fate and specific name (Whom's Down) Cossacks from KV didn't go down, but went upper and upper and took "appropriate" positions in music charts of Ukraine, more precisely didn't take - cause didn't want. And didn't think, that those were "charts". Those are convenient advertisement for commercial pop and alternative. Gothic, industrial or decadence romance didn't match their terms.
But KV never aimed to go up. Go calm, not betraying itself and its principles - this is the Way. Their main goal was always to bring knowledge of hidden side of soul and secret corners of mind of audience to wake it from eternal dream of our life lazy days.
KV participated in more then 40 music festivals and judges couldn't not to distinguish the band, even taking into account their usual problems with authorities and existing ideology, cause KV cares for UKRAINE and MUSIC and not for those who want to earn on these terms.
Vitaliy "Stranger" Fedun
information, photo from official site: http://komuvnyz.gothic.com.ua/ (photo by Scorn), http://www.komuvnyz.com/news