
KROBAK (Ukrainian word for "worm", pronounced as "khrobak") is Igor Sidorenko and is a result of 3 M's unity: MelancholISM, MelodISM, MinimalISM.

Igor (leader of the Stoned Jesus group) started working on his music in late 2006 with his main influence being Godspeed You! Black Emperor. After a few months on polishing its sound and cutting off the excess edges Igor managed to compose three songs ranging from 10 to 20 minutes in length. All of the instruments were played by him and all three songs are going to be released in the album called “The Diary of the Missed One”. Before releasing his debut, Igor teamed up with one of his fellow Russian friend, Krikston (Vitaly Pereladov) and managed to release a split album called “Structura Tortura”, in 2007, which showcased both Krobak and Krikston unique post-rock sound.

Krobak’s sound is a mixture of the arrangements and instrumentation of Post-Rock band, but with a daring Prog touch in every song. Highly recommended for fans of The Silence Kit, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Mono, Island era King Crimson and others.

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Krobak. The Diary of the Missed One.

At some instant this sort of music simply divides the dense mass of the audience into a sum of separate selves – in order to reunite them later, but already at another level. Then this is no longer a crowd, then these are people... It is possible to say otherwise. In this music, beauty is dissolved – which you listen and hear staying alone with yourself, even if there is someone else around...
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