Each of players by well sign ukrainian jazz and blues music, has a big experience cooperation with soloist in most miscellaneous styles, participations in concert program and studio record, appearances with author's project on ukranian and european jazz festival as well as in club.
The flavor of the repertoire "Lush Life", certainly, possible name the compositions of Hot Club style, or, as else name this direction, Gipsy Swing (Jazz Manouche). This tone of jazz, beside headwaters of the origin which stood storied belgian Django Rainhardt, today hears in the same way fresh and modern, either as in distant 40-h. Gipsy Swing, outliving presently in Europe its second birth until is it often performed on Ukraine, and "Lush Life" is only one ukranian group, presenting this direction.
information from: http://www.myspace.com/lushlifeua
photo from the official site: http://www.lushlife.com.ua/