In 1999 Martha entered the Chernivetskiy college of arts, where she studied choreography, singing and profession of producer. And exactly on Bukovina she began her career as a solo singer and team-work with the wonderful composer and teacher of vocal from Bukovina Oksana Kirilyuk.
In 2001 with a song by V. Sirotyuk "Veselkovyi Rai" (Rainbow paradise) Martha won the 3rd prize on a festival "Song of heart" dedicated to John Paul II visit to Ukrain (Lviv).
In 2003 Martha entered Kyiv State Academy of the Leading staff of Culture and Arts on the "Modern choreography" and "Management of organizations" faculties.Then she began to conquer her way on the professional stage in Kiev.
In 2005 she become the soloist of the Ensemble of folk singing and dancing of Home Services of the Ministry of Interior Affairs of Ukraine, the actress of the "Muslya" (The Shell) poetic theatre. She took part in many cultural and arts projects of People’s artist of Ukraine Marjan Gadenko.
In 2006 Martha was awarded to the status of the "Best singer of National radio of Ukraine 2006" for a song "Rozletilys sokolyata" by poet V. Ivanytskiy and composer M. Gadenko.Together with Sergiy Gera (Molotov 20) and recording company "Atlantic" published an audio CD "Osyayni" (the modern interpretation of Ukrainian folk songs).
Participated in Ukrainian youth concerts on the international arts festival in Serbia, Lazarevats.
At the end of 2007 together with Andrey Milyavskiy and Ukrainian folk music band "Tsheres" (New-York, USA) began working under the plate of boykivski spivanky (boykivski songs).In 2008 year comes out her first audio album "Na Svitanku" (" At a dawn"), which includes the results of the first stage of her folk arts from her childhood up to now with the message to put the Ukrainian song on the world level!
information, photo from official site: http://martashpak.com/