Oleh Bakovski takes active part in promotion and development of jazz music and jazz improvisation in his home community, the Volyn region of Ukraine. He also often performs at various events playing with different musicians. Moreover, starting from 2005 Oleg Bakovsky has organized annual jazz festivals. To mention just a few: "New Cooperation" (2005–2007), in collaboration with Polish colleagues a festival "Musical Dialogues Lutsk - Zamosc" (2005 — 2008) was organized, a row of concerts like "Jazz for a Holiday — 2008", etc. took place.
In 2006 the leader of a British jazz-trio Julian Tomas and Friends invited Oleh Bakovsky to join the band, and in 2007 a Ukrainian-British album was recorded.
information from: http://www.juliantomas.com/theband.htm
photo from: http://uajazz.com/performers/52-bakovsky.html