
Valery Gladunets' - vocal, drymba
Sergey Okhrimchuk - violin, vocal
Vasiliy Palanyuk- gutsul'ski dulcimers, flute, frilki, fuyarki
George Zakharchuk – perkusiya, drums
Vadym Gubenko – bass guitar
Band PoliKarp was born on Kyiv in 2003. We were famous band Karpatyany, but in summer 2008 we have been changing and fundamentaling name this band. PoliKarp explain like a Polissya-Karpaty. It is two sources ideas.

There are musicians, which have a great experience before it. They had one big idea. It was general idea. All band’s members proud of Ukrainian nation music. The main band’s purpose was to dedicate all resources and experience for Ukrainian folk music.

We had great concerts on the most famous festivals in Ukraine and in another European’s country. And now we have new creative work for examine audience.

Band’s repertoire consists of folk music from Gutsul and Zhytomyr’s Polissya regions. But all of songs had own modern interpretation with elements of show and theater. Musicians work with ancient Ukrainian instruments: lyre, kobza and bandura, dulcimers, violin, drimboy, bukhal and tambourine. Also in "PoliKarp music" is possible to hear various age-old instruments such, as pan-pipes, frilki, fuyarki, pipes, bass viol and other stuff. Their music is especial and very interesting. Musicians don’t destroy a folk song. They work with music very carefully and prepare it for their hearers with love.

information, photo from official site: http://www.polikarp.com.ua/


PoliKarp. Barvinochok. /digi-pack/. (Periwinkle)

Taking the Carpathian and Polissya folklore as a basis, PoliKarp modernizes it very carefully – the key melody and, actually, the manner of singing remain unchanged. While speaking about rhythmic structures and additional melody lines – here already musicians release their fantasy. And that is why in their music it is possible to hear impacts of outright rock, and jazz, and funk, and dub..
Domestic price: 593.88UAH, International price: $30.30USD


Mlyn. All-Ukrainian Music Collection. /digi-pack/. (Mill)

...However, they thus somehow fit into the concept of "ethno-rock" – but nevertheless the entire picture comes out very colorful. And – it is nice that within the same style one can hear so diverse, unconventional, brilliant music.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD