Propala Gramota that‘s melodic guitar polyrhythmic based on musical tradition of Central and Western Ukraine. The participants of collective name the style podil'sky fundamental: except for traditional base this direction is decorated the elements of fank, hop, rock and others. Ordinary guitar sound combine with lips harmonic, north African violence, and Indian percussion. Music of Propala Gramota inspirate by Cossacks time, beautiful nature of Podolian district and the real situation in Ukraine. Usually this band make psychedelic performance by own show-man. At 2007 Propala Gramota realesed their first album "Ceyvo", at 2009 second one - "Honor". From 2006 untill this time band had a lot of gigs at Poland, Russia and Czech republic.
Nechytaylo Pavlo - vocal, guitar, additional instruments
Bushynsky Kostyantyn - drums, guitars
Omelchenko Olexander - bass-guitar
Oliynyk Oleh - mridang, dances
Belinsky Serhiy - guitar
information from: http://www.myspace.com/propalagramota
photo from: http://community.livejournal.com/propala_gramota/