Male vocal
quartet FAVOR was established 15 years ago. All the artists of the Choir are musically educated and have a great experience of ensemble singing. Quartet's repertoire ranges from Ukrainian religious works by A. Vedel, M. Berezovsky, M. Leontovych, M. Lysenko to Cossack, warriors, rebels, facetious folk songs, carols and generosity songs. FAVOR sings A capella, a traditional Ukrainian ensemble singing without accompany.
Andrij Chajuk, the artist of famous Ukrainian Bandura Choir, is the head of the Quartet.
The Choir has sung in the famous Ukrainian Halls as well as in Germany, Poland and Russia. FAVOR assets include audio album of "Warriors and Ukrainian Rebels Army songs", TV and radio broadcasts, and also Ukrainian Radio stock recordings.
(information from the official press-release)
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