She was born on the 17th of July, 1988, in a small Ukrainian village. Since 1994, she has begun creative and song way. She became winner of numerous local and regional competitions: "Playful rainbow", "Money-box of future", "Talents of Cherkassy" and other.
In 1999 on 5th anniversary Festival of author’s song "Silver strings" she got a title of "The best author and performer".
From 1996 till 2003 in musical school she was studying to play on the piano.
In 2005 she graduated from Singaevsk high school with honor "Gold medal". In the same year she entered to Kyiv National university of Culture and Arts on faculty of Musical art.
In 2007 she took part in the festival "Shevchenko-Fest", took a merit in the genres of "vocal" and "poetry" (Lviv); also in the same year, Ruslana participated in the competition "Magic Candle" and won the 1st place (Kyiv), in the festival "Spring-2007" and won Grand Prix, in the festival "Arg-Transit" and won the 1st place (Moscow), in the festival "The Planet of youth" and got the 1st reward (Tartu, Estoniya).
In 2009 at the 4th festival-competition of spiritual song "Ascold’s voice" she got the 1st reward (Kyiv); won the 1st place in the nomination "The Author’s song" on the competition of Ukrainian pop arts and author’s song "Bridges over River". (Korsun-Shevchenkovskiy).
In 2010 at the International song and poetic competition "Cranes over Russia" Lotsman won the 1st place for the best "Author’s patriotic song", devoted to the 65th anniversary of Great Victory. (Moscow). She has an experience of concert activity, including solo concert programs in 2006.
She performs at the different stages in Kyiv and Ukraine as soloist and as a part of vocal ensembles.
She engages in study and processing Ukrainian ancient songs, works creatively. Lotsman has author’s song works on own tune and poetic texts. She visits a literary studio at the Union of Writers of Ukraine, and also she is a member of poetical association "Radosun".
She is the participant of scientific-practical conferences. Ruslana has 8 reports on the themes about performance of the folk songs.
Ruslana Lotsman is a Master of musical art and vocal pedagogy, now she is a postgraduate of chair theory and methods of setting voice Institute of art of National Pedagogical University Dragomanov.
Lotsman promotes the revival and strengthening of imperishable spiritual values of Ukrainian people and raises the prestige of Ukraine on the international level.
information, photo from the official site: