Smack Band

photo of Smack Band from:


Skryabin, Smack Band. Skryabinos Muchachos.

At some party where Kuzma was the anchor, the guys from the band helped him to fill in a pause by improvising a samba based on the theme of "Sleep Alone" – and it appeared good. So good that it resulted in real cooperation – and here you see a full-value album of cover versions for Skryabin's song created by musicians of Smack Band.
Domestic price: 507.64UAH, International price: $25.90USD

Smack Band. Coisa Ligeira. /digi-pack/.

The content of the new album by Smack Band completely corresponds to its name – it is really light and soft. That is what one needs on a sunny day to tune in unison with it (the day). That is what one needs in the event of a period of rain – so that it were lighter on the heart..
Domestic price: 350.84UAH, International price: $17.90USD