...Chervona Ruta-97 has been discussed and written about a lot. It was truly one of the greatest events in the cultural history of modern Ukraine. A lot of things just came together: a reasonable budget, great line-up and the city of Kharkiv itself, hungry for new music. Apart from the Best band award the band was given a special prize for the best hit of the festival Zroby Meni Hip-Hop.
In 1998 the "Zroby Meni Hip-Hop" album was ready. The album was made of songs and skits short sets in between the musical tracks which became TNMK's trademark. Gosha Arnautov, a Kharkiv actor and a long-term friend of the band is also a veteran of their skits having authored them for at least albums.
The song "A More De?" covering Celentano's "Amore No" was recorded at the same time.
The song became one of the first ones recorded for the "Neformat" album. "Neformat" album had a wealth of new features guest artists such as Mikhey and Nina Matvienko. The skits were produced using the material from both iconic Gosha Arnautov and classics from Les' Poderv'iansky and Nikolay Gogol.
At the beginning of the year 2002 the band started working on two albums simultaneously the next studio one and also a compilation of remakes and remixes "ReFormatsia". At that same time the "Enter" TV channel suggested the band makes a documentary about TNMK's history and that's how the ongoing "ShoPopaloShow" started.
2003 - at the beginning of March the album "ReFormatsia" was released. Later two first parts of the "ShoPopaloShow" documentary were premiered.
In April the band played a unique acoustic concert "No Kipish" inviting several very special session musicians from well-known Ukrainian bands such as Second Breath, Skhid-Side and Mandry.
June that year was the most intense month in the history of the band. There was the release of "Voda", the release of NeDilya, and then "Pozhezhi Mista Vavilon" was released. The album was launched with an acoustic concert in the Kiev club "Babuin" and was possibly the best live performance of the band ever. Then there was the French tour, then a truly phenomenal homecoming concert in Kharkiv, and then Dilya left the band to concentrate on his solo career. That autumn two more albums were released "Jazzy Live" and Fozzey's "MetaMoreFozzey".
2005. In the spring the band recorded two duos one with a pop band ViaGra and another with Ukraine's pop queen Sofia Rotaru a version of the legendary "Chervona Ruta". The band also started work on the new album and decided to call it "Syla" ("Power").
2006. In the summer Fahot became Johnny Depp in "The Pirate Of the Caribbean - 2". The band made two videos "Vidryvaisia" and "Molodets". The latter one became a first with respect to animation. The Fahot and Fozzey recorded a series of English radio lessons for the BBC "Rock English with TNMK". Then the two voiced some more animation films "Terkel I Khalepa" and "Happy Feet". In the autumn the band decided to celebrate a decade of our era and a special show "TNMK's 10 Seasons" was played on November 30. Around the same time Fozzey's second solo album "Mono MetaMoreFozzey" was released. In the last two days of the year the band released two DVDs- one a collection of all videos and the other three part documentary "ShoPopaloShow".
2007. The celebratory theme continued into the New Year: such as a competition for selection of tracks for the "Golden Hits" compilation. "ReFormatsia 2" will be the next step, including the best remakes and remixes from the most promising DJs. "Molodets" video was launched on February 18. In the meantime Fahot voiced Jack Sparrow for the third lot of Pirates. Keep reading the news!
Thanks for listening!
information, photo from official web-site: http://www.tnmk.com/