The group under the Moglass came into being in 1997, preceded by five years of home projects that were never released in public. The Moglass widely used the latest technical achievements of the time such as sampling and postproduction of all kinds, hereat gaining a reputation as post-rock musicians and performing at fashionable discos on repeated occasions. Spellbound with the aesthetics of freeform music, the musicians of the group gradually turned away from glossy sound of their early records and began to decline invitations to fancy discos thus gaining freedom of creating music at home and communicating with a bunch of soulmates scattered all over the world. Up-to-date records of the Moglass are spontaneous improvisations, mostly live records, that by no means always can be called free-noise because sometimes they are very gentle and melodic.
the Moglass are:
Yuri Kulishenko(aka Paul Kust) - electric guitar /acoustic guitar /bass guitar /computers /synth /voice /treatments /field recordings /mixing /editing
Oleg Kovalchuk(aka ok01) - synths /field recordings /electric guitar /treatments
Vladimir Bovtenko - alto saxophone
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