KNOB – guitar
Prozorow - vocal
Digitol – vinils and samples
Dakila – guitar
Razborchivy – drums
TOL is an alternative/rock band based out of Kiev. Tol began its music quest on May, 22nd, 2003 by five young musicians from different cities of Ukraine. They decided to name their group TOL (which is the reduced name of the explosive known as TNT) because of the explosive and heavy alternative music created by the band. Their lyrics are about the external struggles people have in both the private world of one’s Ukrainian language and Russian experiences. This is some of what Prozorov writes. TOL’s lyrics don’t contain a normal lexicon or vulgarity, but rather a unique expression of one’s emotions. Music experts would define TOL’s style of music as alternative rock or nu-metal. The musicians themselves call it "sad aggressive". Since their first rehearsals, TOL has played no cover songs of other classically deemed music genres. And since those first rehearsals they have created four music videos - "Samoznyshennia", "Hto Ya?", "III-K", "Oseny". TOL has released two albums in Ukraine - "Syndrom bazhannia" (2005) and "Utopia" (2007). Their material is written by White Studio, Their Sound-producer being Sergey Ljubinsky (aka KNOB). Both CD’s are on sale in most Ukrainian record stores. TOL was the winner of the Ukrainian award "The Global Battle Of the Bands-2005". They won fourth place for the worldwide award "The Global Battle Of the Bands-2005" (London, Great Britain). TOL’s peak was with the highly acclaimed producer Steve Lillywhite (U2, Rolling Stones, Talking Heads etc.). TOL has been unique from other participants with these awards for not singing in English. When they had their first solo concert, 15 cameras were present, thanks to well known producer and filmmaker Victor Priduvalov. In autumn of 2007, their first DVD, shot in Ukrainian, will be ready. A Joint effort between groups such as TOL and Amatory (St.-Petersburg), was shot December of 2006. This concert collected nearly 2500 fans (a record number of people!) and became a historical event to all Ukrainian Alternative music. In April, 2007, TOL took part in the huge festival known as Extreme Power, which took place in the Capital Palace of Sports. The festival included other great acts like Hatebreed (USA), Gamma Ray (Germany), Sinister (Holland) and Fleshgore (Ukraine). TOL is currently working on their third album. Their new material bares resemblance to their earlier work, but still retains unique qualities. Music experts are at a loss of definition to this new style of music. Lately at concerts, TOL has been playing new and unreleased songs like "Kleymo", "FENshui", "HTS" and "VALs", which will go on their upcoming album.
information from: http://www.myspace.com/toltoltol
photo from official site: http://www.tolmusic.com.ua/