Verka Serduchka
 photo of Verka Serduchka (aka Andrey Danilko) from official site: www.serduchka.com
Domestic price: 194.04UAH,
International price: $9.90USD
Serdyuchka plays her theater of absurd with an absolutely stone face – and that is why it only at the beginning seems that all that is a joke... It is generally known that every phenomenon has, at least, two sides. But showbiz in the globalized world is capable of and tries to be so ideally flat that the reverse – positive – side becomes an unattainable mirage...
Domestic price: 233.24UAH,
International price: $11.90USD
50 pop hits to sing with your friends and your family.
Domestic price: 272.44UAH,
International price: $13.90USD
Eurovision is, probably, the most famous variety song competition in the world, this year more than 100 million people all over the world were following the course of events. Could anyone seriously rely on that the Finns with their hard rock song and disguised as monsters will win in Athens? But they won, at that – triumphantly...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Domestic: 350.84UAH
International: $17.90USD