31 august 2001 Via Gra enter into agreement with "Sony Music" for 5 albums release.
In 2002 producer invited one more girl and VIA GRA became a trio. Period started a bit hard, Nadezhda was pregnant and couldn't take a part in shows for some time, so producers made a casting to find anyone to take Nadezhda's place. Afterall, new decision was taken - one more girl became a member.
12 september 2002 a new video Good Morning, papa! (Good Morning, Daddy!) has been released and Nadezhda came back to the band after giving a birth to her son. One of girls left, so it became a trio again and continued to conquer ex-USSR music world. After very successful work, they had an invitation from Japanese MTV and Playboy issues. Song "Stop!Stop!Stop" with scandalous video appears.
2003 - Alena decided to start her own career and left VIA GRA. A new girl Vera took place and became a part of band very fast and easy. Success was very big around the former UssR countries, they didn't stop with songs and videos and made some good duo with russian singers.
information from: http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewProfile&friendID=66051344