69, Ассия Ахат. Ассия Ахат & 69.
, Manchester, England
24-06-2006 20:54
Good album and very different from assiya akhats usual stuff. "printsip mata hari" is definately my favourite song on the album. Reminds me of my trip to Kyiv, it was constantly on the music tv channels.
The album is pop based with the occaisionall great violin stylings of assiya akhat.
Украинские застольные песни. DVD Караоке.
, Manchester, England
24-06-2006 20:48
Order from UMKA came very fast.
All words on this DVD are in Ukrainian, Its a very good dvd with many ukrainian chart songs aswell as traditional folk music.
If your interested in Ukrainian karaoke then this item is perfect for you.
Энеида (DVD).
, Bath, UK
24-06-2006 16:45
I didn't have a chance to watch this animation movie in Ukraine. Don't miss it. If you like Ukrainian animation together with Ukrainiah humour you will enjoy it.
Мирослав Скорик, Роман Репка. Мелодія. Фортепіанна музика.
, New York, USA
23-06-2006 17:13
This is a very interesting recording. By combining classical and regional themes with jazz phrasing Skoryk manages to evoke the best aspects of all three.
Whether exploring the complexities of an operatic theme as in the "Paraphrase on the Themes from Puccini's Opera ‘Madam Butterfly’ or swinging through up-tempo celebrations of folk tunes like the selections from "The Children's Album" these pieces are consistently musical and involving.
Skoryk's highly original and engaging compositions, Repka's masterful pianism, and the fine sound quality produced by excellent engineering all combine to make this a CD that rewards repeated listening. Highly recommended!
Тина Кароль. Show Me Your Love.
, Newcastle-under-Lyme, United Kingdom
23-06-2006 15:08
I bought the cd because Tina Karol was featured on Eurovision and absolutely adored her song , it had very 'catchy' melody and the composition of the track combined with the lyrics sung by her complimented well. I bought her cd immediately after seeing her on Eurovision and what can I say?
A class act - she manages to effortlessly combines styles of pop Queen Madonna and princess britney spears except in a much more acceptable way. The songs on the cd are excellent - each one unique and beautifully composed combined with excelllent vocal rangews making it a listeners delight. I would definately recommend it to other people.
Keep up the good work Tina!
Эрко. Только тебе. Лучшие песни.
, Antogonish, Nova Scotia, Canada
23-06-2006 06:47
INCREDIBLE! I have never expected to find such music in modern Ukraine. Is Erko alive? Who is he? Where was he born? Hi sings a lot of Diaspora songs nobody else tries to sing in Ukraine today. Thank you very much for providing us with this wonderful opportunity to enjoy chanson that does not sound cheap.
Хиты украинской эстрады 80-х годов. Золотая коллекция.
, Bristol, UK
21-06-2006 16:19
Classic songs from a time when it was not easy to do anything in Ukrainian, very good performaces, ideal for a '80's Ukrainian party! ( Have a listen to no.5 the best one on the album )
Росава. Колисанки. (Колыбельные)
, Bristol, UK
21-06-2006 16:15
Very nice, quality production, brilliant singer and very Ukrainian. Great for toddlers wanting to hear something Ukrainian. Highly recommended.
The Ukrainians. Drink to my horse.
, England
21-06-2006 14:57
I have seen the Band perform live, and they give an excellent performance, often using traditional Ukrainian songs and giving them a different image. A great mixture of Ukrainian combined with English, and considering that some members of the group have no Ukrainian hertiage yet what they produce, music wise, is very good.
Соколы. Гей зі Львова до Мукачева.
, Nottingham, England
21-06-2006 14:50
I have seen this group perform live when they did a concert tour in England, and I very much enjoyed their singing and playing, their songs are moving, traditional but with a modern twist, and the songs, music and words are those that our parents, who moved to England, brought us up with. It expresses Ukraine how I would imagine it was when our parents lived there many years ago. Excellent CD.
Транс-Формер. Спелая вишня.
20-06-2006 13:43
Клевые пацаны я видел их выступление в Киеве на майдане мне понравилось. А альбом супер. Я це люблю.
Дуэт "Два кольоры". Дует "Два Кольори"
, Київ, Ukraine
19-06-2006 00:19
Альбом особливо позитивного настрою! Головна ідея проекту, це українські пісні в діалогах. Гумор, лірика - взаємини між дівчиною і хлопцем, чоловіком та жінкою...
Катя Chilly. Я – молодая.
Олечка О.
, Київ, Україна
18-06-2006 19:43
Я в піднесенні від такої музики. Високо і глибоко. Близько до мене. Надихає. І я впевнююсь в тому, що знала. Дякую!! Дуже світло і радісно і сильно. Катя Chilly - велика молодчинка! Славна відрусса! Любові!
Схид-Side. Brand New.
, Днепропетровск, Украина
18-06-2006 11:32
Приобрел данный альбом, о чем очень сожалею. Не говорите мне про качество, у джазовых ансамблей качество я воспринимаю так же, как штаны без дырок на заднице-естественно и нормально, это обсуждаться вообще не должно. Ни одного интересного инструменталиста, ни одной неотработанной идеи. Ничего, о чем можно сказать brand new. Для Украины вполне сносно, но не более. Чертовски жаль потраченных денег.