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. Smile.

Отзывы (35)
. Smile.

Могу ошибаться, но где-то со второй песни начинает возникать ощущение, словно Ани Лорак теперь уже точно определилась с направлением, в котором будет двигаться дальше. И это направление – где-то между тинейджерской звездой и поп-дивой. Сознательный или нет, но такой поиск золотой середины явно повлиял на звучание альбома. Оно – звучание – уравновешенное, выверенное, старательное, вымытое до блеска, поставленное на высокие каблуки и повернутое лицом на запад солнца. И это хорошо, ибо вокальные данные Ани Лорак, в принципе, вполне позволяют иметь амбиции насчет популярности более широкой, чем на территории Украины. Впрочем, разделяет ли такую точку зрения европейский слушатель, покажет время. Спокойный – пожалуй, что да, разделяет. Потому что, кажется, нынешний новый альбом является настоящим, без преувеличений, воплощением музыкального нонконформизма. Из которого прилежно вычеркнута частичка "нон" - а это, в конечном счете, показательное для нашего времени положение вещей. И потому, безусловно, имеет все шансы на верно восприятие.

Антон Йожик Лейба

Издатель: Lavina Music
Год издания: 2005

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1.  Right Away Текст песни
слова: Nick Brovchenko
2. Mp3Smile Текст песни
слова: Pam Reswick
3. Mp3A Little Shot of Love Текст песни
слова: Pam Reswick
4. Mp3Car Song Текст песни
слова: Nick Brovchenko
5.  To be on Top Текст песни
слова: Nick Brovchenko
6.  Don’t talk about love Текст песни
слова: Pam Reswick
7.  Untie Me Текст песни
слова: Nick Brovchenko
8.  Why Текст песни
слова: Tina Harris
9.  13 Текст песни
слова: Pam Reswick
10.  The Best Текст песни
слова: Chapman
11.  Розкажи Текст песни
слова: Ані Лорак
12. Mp3Чекаю Текст песни
слова: Nick Brovchenko, Ані Лорак
  Бонус відео
13.  Smile
14.  A Little Shot of Love
15.  Car Song

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Цена для жителей Украины: 250.60 грн (*), других стран: $17.90USD

Отзывы (35)

Страница:1 2 3
  Oleh , Detroit / Munich, USA / Germany
06-11-2005 21:47

Rechi trohy nezvychni yak dlya Ani Lorak. Meni brakuye trohy lirychnosti, nizhnosti, yaki holos Ani Lorak tak dobre vmiye peredavaty (zhadaymo lyshen' "Ya vernus' "). Zahalom, za zahidnymy standartamy, albom - serednyachok, za ukr. mirkamy - tse, zvisno, proryv. Odnak, shchob dosyahnuty chohos' bilshoho treba robyty "bilshe"...

Pidozrili na hitovist', na moyu dumku, "Car Song" ta "Don't Talk About Love".

"Untie Me" duzhe nahaduye rosiys'ku Alsu i pisni brakuye hlybyny holosu "spravzhnoyi" Ani Lorak...

Odnak prydbaty albom obov'yazkovo varto!

  Fr@nkie , Berlin, Germany
06-11-2005 12:52

So here it finally is, the newest album of my favorite singer Ani Lorak. I knew for long that it would be an album mostly sung in English. Quite frankly, since Ruslana's Wild Dances remake of her gorgeous 2003 album Дикi Танцi I'd prefer Ukrainians not to sing in English, but the truth here is that Ani's English is pretty good. I never got ill feelings to hear her sing in that language, but why do Ukrainian artists do it at all? At first I suspected that it was targeting at the international market. Well sure, nobody would object to selling thousands of records in England or the US, but now I believe the reason is something else: It appears that an Ukrainian singer singing in English is more respected domestically than those who perform in Ukrainian or Russian language. Well, that's only speculation but appears to make sense to me.

When I finally received this disc I already knew three of the tracks, namely the preview single clips of "A Little Shot of Love", "Smile" and "Car Song". No doubt, Ani is going through a transition, and this album's style sees her singing harder than ever. Already "Smile" was clearly a true rocker, while the newer "Car Song" is more of a pop tune. Since 2002 Ani is affiliated with American songwriter Pam Reswick. She, together with American singer Taryn Murphy, signs responsible for four of the eleven songs on this CD. Reswick has composed for acts such as Aussie singers Tina Arena and Emmanuel Carella (whose vocal coach was Susie Ahern, another one of my great but unsung heroes!). The Reswick/Taryn team penned "A Little Shot" and "Smile" and thus took care of two of Ani's biggest successes (at least in Ukraine) in the most recent past.

But what about the whole album? After listening to it a few times I have to say that this CD is full of great tracks which are all very entertaining and qualified to become radio busters. I first heard the opening track "Right Away" and tracks #5 ("To Be on Top") and #6 ("Don't Talk About Love") at a concert I've seen of Ani in late May 2005 in Киев. The latter is a great ballad, one of those tunes that gives me goose bumps. During the show Ani related that it has a personal background. Ani herself composed the music for no less but five songs herself, something which became evident only with her last release Анi Лорак. Interesting is track #8, a song called "Why". It's actually a cover version of the K-otic track "I Really Don't Think So", and it fits into Ani's repertoire pretty well. Track #11 is a live classic of Ani, which we all will know from Tina Turner: The Mike Chapman/Holy Knight composition "Simply The Best" is usually the closing of any concert I've seen of her in the last two years. I personally can't hear it anymore, but I have to give credit to a well-produced version offered here.

It may be also interesting to many that this CD contains the three single clips I mentioned at the beginning of my review, viewable on a computer. Very much to my delight the CD ends with two songs sung in Ukrainian, but those are only alternating versions and expand the track number to thirteen: "Розкажи (Rozkazhy)" is the remake of "Tell Me Lie", while "Чекаю ("Chekaju")" is the alternate version to "Untie Me". Both are great tracks per se, and I have to say that I prefer the Ukrainian versions in any case. And that is what leads me to this conclusion: No doubt, Ani is Ukraine's most professional singer and artists. However, I feel that with her singing in English, something gets lost with the music, at least for my ears. This is a very solid, good album!

  , London, England
28-10-2005 00:47

Awesome album from Karolina...superb!

Can't see how 'Another Little Shot' became 'A Little Shot of Love' though...but there ya go.

14-10-2005 22:57


08-10-2005 17:35