Песни украинских музыкантов, которые с первых дней поддержали мирную Оранжевую Революцию в Киеве в ноябре-декабре 2004 года.
Издатель: Lavina Music Год издания: 2004
Цена для жителей Украины: 350.84 грн (все включено)
Для жителей других стран: $17.90USD
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Цена для жителей Украины: 350.84 грн (все включено)
Для жителей других стран: $17.90USD
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С таким мощным зарядом оптимизма, какой вложен в этот альбом, можно не только жить и радоваться – можно и горы перевернуть, и революции совершить, и новый дом построить.
Цена для жителей Украины: 221.48 грн (*),
других стран: $11.30USD
, Горлівка, Україна
03-12-2008 00:30 |
вважаю, що окрім пісні Тараса Петриненка все решта - мотлох, хоча я сам і не пішу пісень, але все одне мотлох.
, киев
26-09-2008 13:52 |
Чтобы теперь ни говорили о Майдане, "Майже весна " Вакарчука навсегда останется его гимном.Это музыка всегда будет волновать настоящих патриотов Украины.
, Львів, Україна
05-12-2006 12:30 |
, Costa Rica
01-11-2005 21:30 |
Not bad Cd...
, Colorado Springs, USA
07-10-2005 21:28 |
Ya prosto oboznyuyu vsi ci pisni. Vony v mene asociyuyut'sya z Moeyu Ukrayinoyu! Nehay zhuve Moya Bat'kivshuna, shchob ya zmogla povernutys'! Ukratino, ya viryu v tebe!
, Philadelphia, USA
05-09-2005 21:20 |
Great CD, It should have been longer watching the revolution from the USA and then Greenjolly on Eurovision was great... So was Ruslana
, Kiev, Ukraine
08-08-2005 13:24 |
The disk is fine. I'm realy proud about our country and our people. I recommend to people to get a new album of "Druga Rika" group. Their new CD named RECORDY. This one is also in Ukrainian but the music is super although it's not too patriotic.
, Antwerp, Belgium
05-08-2005 21:38 |
I dont understand ukrainian language, but thanks to a good ukrainian friend of mine i now know the english words of Ruslana's 'Dyki Tantsi' and Tartaks 'Ya ne Hochu'. I bought this cd because i like listening to ukrainian music and because i would like to support orange revolution. I would recommend this cd to everybody !!
24-06-2005 20:19 |
this disk was put well together. although it had mnay songs on it, i still think more should'ver been put because those 12 or 13 songs werent the only ones that were put on durin the revolution.
, Windham, Maine, USA
08-06-2005 21:07 |
I had the pleasure of getting to know an exchange student from the Ukraine this past year and saw how the Orange Revolution was affecting her, being so far from home. I bought the album to show my support for the Ukrainian people. I have thoroughly enjoyed every song on the CD and let Zhenya, the exchange student, borrow it to listen to.
To all of the Ukrainian people, you have my support in your quest for a free and democratic country where the voice of its people is always heard.
, Felixstowe, England
30-05-2005 02:23 |
This CD truly portrays the energy that the people of Ukraine had in bringing democracy to the Ukraine, and it is a pleasure to listen to. As with most of the Ukrainian songs I listen to without English translation I don't know exactly what the words are - but music is universal and you only have to listen to the songs to get the feeling of what it means for the people of a country to bring forward revolution in that country. Well worth buying, listening to, and enjoying.
, Naples, Italy
20-05-2005 20:06 |
My fav songs:
1) Dyki tanci - Ruslana 2) Majzhe vesna - Okean Elzy 3) Nasha Ukrajina - Rosava 4) Litaj - Talita Kum
So, basically, the same as Ed from Germany! :) I bought this cd coz I supported Orange Revolution, even if I'm not Ukrainian and I live so far, and listening to these songs, looking the picture inside touched me. I have friends living there, I wish them this "orange wave" will bring more freedomn to their country. :)
Good luck Ukraine!
, La Plata, Argentina
16-05-2005 21:35 |
para mi estos CD son lo mas que hay, es lo mas grande. y los apoye siempre. y no olviden que en Argentina tambien hay ucranianos que los apoya ... AGUANTE UCRANIA !!! ahhh .. soy de Sambir (Ucrania) esa es mi ciudad y mi tierra, lastima que no puedo estar alla... lo deseo mejor para todos los Ucranianos y los amo ... adios... cuidanse...
AGUANTE UCRANIA !!! Aguante revolucion "Naranja" !!!
, Sambir, Ukraine
16-05-2005 21:27 |
tse prosto kliovo scho taki dusku ie v prodazi. Nadiys i znaiy scho nasha Ykraina stane na nogu i vse byde O.K. SLAVA YKRAINI !!! GEROIAM SLAVA
, sambir, ukraina
08-05-2005 22:20 |
ja duzo by hotiv poznajomytys z Irynoju, jaka napysala z USA. czy ce mozlywo? I like you Ira!

тихий взрыв
В Украине: 409.64 грн (*)
Другие страны: $20.90USD