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LBB. Lemko Bluegrass Band. /digi-pack/.
карпатський блюґрас
В Україні: 350.84 грн (*)
До інших країн: $17.90USD
Кому Вниз. 4: Шевченко. (EP). /digi-pack/.
Кому Вниз. Шевченко. (EP) (special offer)
В Україні: 507.64 грн (*)
До інших країн: $25.90USD
Виконавці :   А Б В Г Ґ Д Е Ё Є Ж З И І Ї Й К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Э Ю Я
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [0-9]
Альбоми:   А Б В Г Ґ Д Е Ё Є Ж З И І Ї Й К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Э Ю Я
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [0-9]


Matter is Fabrizio Matrone aka Heidseck. In the nineties, he played guitar in several bands and after the stealing of his instruments, taking place in a rehearsal garage, he started his first testing sounds independently, using the little means remained. In the meantime he started to visit his friends at their studio, a paradise of synthesizers, multi-effects and DIY instruments. At the end of the nineties the first recordings took place. It was about instrumental improvisations composed of long drones, guitar and bass feedback recorded on a 4 tracks borrowed from a friend of his. At this time, recordings were characterized by fusion of field recording and isolationist ambient style. At the end of '90 a lot of productions came out. "Alphaville" produced by self-managed label Nectanebo as a Jean Luc Godard's film tribute. "Last land ssonology" with FKdrone and Fmchloroform's moniker produced by net label Sinewaves. "Decrease of contamination" was the first issue for moniker Matter. Its atmospheres didn't stray from isolationist ambient style. "Sunset ep" was produced by net label Modr. Its sound was close to idm. These productions didn't go unnoticed. Marcel Nickels aka "100Blumen", who is label manager for "Le Petit Machiniste", appreciated a Matter's musical choices, so "Technology and Planetary Power" came out, produced by "Le Petit Machiniste". "Land of Discordia" produced by SMK and after "Scanning Memory" by Le Petit Machiniste. At last , "Solid State ep" and "Biorhexistasy" the Matter's brand new album comes out by Kyiv's label Kvitnu.
information, photo from the official site:

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7 червня 2024
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22 лютого 2022
Благодійний фонд "Повернись живим"
Террі Пратчетт. Повен неба капелюх.
Пратчетт. Повен неба капелюх
В Україні: 448.84 грн (*)
До інших країн: $22.90USD
The Hardkiss. The Best. /digi-pack/.
The Hardkiss. The Best
В Україні: 390.04 грн (*)
До інших країн: $19.90USD
Брати Гадюкіни. Made in Ukraine. /digi-pack/.
пісні про нас різних
В Україні: 350.84 грн (*)
До інших країн: $17.90USD
Святослав Вакарчук. Оранжерея. /digi-pack/.
Вакарчук. Оранжерея: місце перепочинку
В Україні: 448.84 грн (*)
До інших країн: $22.90USD