Catalogue -> NOT discs -> Books: History

Oleksandr Paliy. A short course on the history of Ukraine.

Reviews (2)
Oleksandr Paliy. A short course on the history of Ukraine.
"History inspires. You will never give up if you find out what your ancestors experienced. Instead, not knowing history means forever remaining vulnerable, lacking experience. Ancestors paid their lives for lessons of history. It would be unwise to try not and take them for free. So – swipe the epochs... The book succinctly presents Ukraine's history from antiquity to the present day – literally one page per subtopic. It offers an exhaustive presentation of the most important events in the Ukrainian history. The textbook will be of use for students, teachers, school children and all those interested in the national history."
The book is in the convenient "pocket" format.
In Ukrainian.
Edition type: hardcover
Format: 122x165 mm
Number of pages: 464, illustrated
Publisher: A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA, Kyiv



- Praistorija \\ Ljudyna rozumna \\ L‘odovykovyy period \\ Neolitychna revoljutsija \\ Trypil‘s‘ka kul‘tura \\ Indojevropeys‘ka bat‘kivshchyna


- Kimeriytsi \\ Skify \\ Peremohy velykoji Skifiji \\ Davn‘ohrets‘ki mista \\ Sarmaty \\ Hoty \\ Slov'jany \\ Huns‘ka imperija


- Zasnuvannja Kyjeva \\ Pokhodzhennja ukrajins‘koho narodu \\ Knjazi varjaz‘koho pokhodzhennja \\ Pidkorennja Krymu y Zalissja \\ Volodymyr Velykyy \\ Jaroslav Mudryy \\ Peremohy nad kochovykamy \\ Feodal‘na rozdroblenist‘ \\ Volodymyr Monomakh \\ Mstyslav Velykyy \\ Izjaslav Mstyslavych


- Rus‘ \\ Zarodzhennja Rosiji \\ Mova Kyjivs‘koji Rusi \\ Ukrajina \\ Borot‘ba z monholamy \\ Knjazivstvo Lytovs‘ke, Rus‘ke i Zhemoyts‘ke \\ Halyts‘ko-Volyns‘ka derzhava


- Kyjivs‘ke i Volyns‘ke knzivstva 1430-1470 rr. \\ Zanepad Lytvy \\ Kryms‘ke khanstvo


- Ukrajins‘ki kozaky \\ Zaporoz‘ka Sich \\ Pokhody na Moldovu, Turechchynu i Krym \\ Pokhody na Moskoviju \\ Antypol‘s‘ki postannja \\ Vyzvol‘na viyna 1648-1657 rr. \\ Perejaslavs‘ka uhoda \\ Hadjats‘ka uhoda \\ Podil Ukrajiny \\ Petro Doroshenko \\ Ivan Sirko \\ Vidnovlennja Pravoberezhzhja \\ Ivan Mazepa y "mazepyntsi" \\ Nastup na prava Ukrajiny \\ Haydamaky \\ Zaprovadzhennja kripatstva \\ Zadunays‘ka Sich


- Povstannja Karmeljuka \\ Opryshky y Oleksa Dovbush \\ Natsional‘ne vidrodzhennja v Halychyni \\ Slobozhanshchyna \\ Donbas \\ Pivden‘ \\ Probudzhennja Velykoji Ukrajiny \\ Nyshchennja ukrajins‘koji samobutnosti \\ Taras Shevchenko \\ Skasuvannja kripatstva


- Persha svitova viyna \\ Viyna z bil‘shovyts‘koju Rosijeju \\ Zakhidnoukrajins‘ka Narodna Respublika \\ Khid viyny \\ Ukrajins‘ki povstantsi \\ Symon Petljura


- Radjans‘kyy rezhym \\ Holodomor 1932-1933 rr.


- Radjans‘ko-natsysts‘kyy sojuz \\ Radjans‘ko-nimets‘ka viyna \\ Vnesok ukrajintsiv u peremohu \\ OUN-UPA


- Povojennyy SRSR \\ Nezalezhnist‘ Ukrajiny \\ Postkomunistychni problemy


- Revoljutsija Hidnosti \\ Okupatsija Krymu Rosijeju \\ Ahresija Rosiji na Donbasi

Publisher: A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA
Catalogue number: ISBN 9786175851234
Year: 2017

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Reviews (2)

  . , .
24-07-2022 16:37

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  Ñòàí³ñëàâ , Áîÿðêà, Óêðà¿íà
27-07-2017 12:48

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