Catalogue -> Rock & Alternative -> Poetic Rock

Victor Morozov, Chetvertyy kut. Armija Svitla. (Army of Light)

Reviews (1)
Victor Morozov, Chetvertyy kut. Armija Svitla. (Army of Light)
First, there was that great temptation to compare this album with the previous one – "Stand Up and Leave". But now I already understand that no comparison should be made. For, although the main characters are the same, all the rest is different. Foremost – themes for reflections are somewhat changed. Lyrics by Kost Moskalets, surprising, so harmoniously interlace and connect signs of various times that the very notion of time becomes not that important. In the end, there is only one time left – now. Always and everywhere – only now. For example, the album again suggests the idea that the war for independence of Ukraine that started dozens of years ago – lasts till now. And now even more than ever before it is opposition of identities – because external, political and geographic independence is worth nothing unless it is founded on internal freedom. To quote the song – " be oneself and to be proud". If we speak – using the language of news – about "Ukraine's integration into the global community",... Ukraine can become an equal member of this association only provided that it finally recognizes – its own identity. In order to be equal in rights, it is necessary to bring into to the general palette something substantially individual, specific. Ukrainian. Because the one who enters a room having rights of a vassal, hidden in somebody's shade, does not have his/her own name – only the name of his/her suzerain. So I think, when listening to these songs.

However, sure, the issue here is not only that. In fact, all real poems, all real music in the world is always – about love. Because only love is able to really eliminate time and make a step ahead and up – we don't have any other wings...

Anton Jozhik Leyba (Hedgehog)

Publisher: MO Productions
Catalogue number: MOCD-5 UM-CD 166
Year: 2008

See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
Chetvertyy kut
Victor Morozov

Domestic price: 250.60UAH
International price: $17.90USD
1. Mp3Army of Light (Armija Svitla) Song text
music: Kost‘ Moskalets‘
lyrics: Kost‘ Moskalets‘
2.  Rain (Doshch) Song text
music: Kost‘ Moskalets‘
lyrics: Kost‘ Moskalets‘
3. Mp3Poppies (Maky) Song text
music: Kost‘ Moskalets‘
lyrics: Kost‘ Moskalets‘
4.  The Matrix (Matrytsja) Song text
music: Kost‘ Moskalets‘
lyrics: Kost‘ Moskalets‘
5.  The Last Warrior (Ostanniy vojin) Song text
music: Kost‘ Moskalets‘
lyrics: Kost‘ Moskalets‘
6. Mp3Hallelujah (Aliluja) Song text
music: Kost‘ Moskalets‘
lyrics: Kost‘ Moskalets‘
7.  They Came From the Danube (Pryjikhaly z-za Dunaju) Song text
music: Kost‘ Moskalets‘
lyrics: Kost‘ Moskalets‘
8. Mp3Winter At Last (Ot uzhe y zyma) Song text
music: Kost‘ Moskalets‘
lyrics: Kost‘ Moskalets‘
9. Mp3Don't Run Away (Ne tikay) Song text
music: Kost‘ Moskalets‘
lyrics: Kost‘ Moskalets‘
10.  A Bright Star (Zirka jasna) Song text
music: Kost‘ Moskalets‘
lyrics: Kost‘ Moskalets‘
11.  Spring Is Here (Uzhe vesna) Song text
music: Kost‘ Moskalets‘
lyrics: Kost‘ Moskalets‘
12.  Pour Me A Pint (Nalyvayko) Song text
music: Kost‘ Moskalets‘
lyrics: Kost‘ Moskalets‘
13. Mp3Oh Green Oak (Dube, dube zelenyy) Song text
lyrics: Ukrainian folk song
 Total playing time: 47:48

Fragments of the compositions marked with Mp3 mark are available for listening. How to listen?

See also:

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Reviews (1)

  , Москва, Россия
15-11-2008 13:00

Очень интересный диск. Все песни кроме последней принадлежат перу К. Москальца (вирши). Этот автор мне запомнился ещё по предыдущему диску В. Морозова, который является прямо-таки настоящим хитом. Насколько я знаю, В.Морозов скоро разменяет четвёртый десяток профессиональной творческой деятельности, т.е. обладает огромным опытом и сейчас он выдает такие перлы, проекты, каждый со своей изюминкой. Вот и данный альбом на стихи неординарного поэта, является продожением замечательной и очень интересной дискографии создателя. Нынешний диск оличается более богатой палитрой звучания, иными темами песен, но аранжировка, исполнение опять же на высоком уровне. Замечательно сработал весь коллектив создателей. И лично мне очень нравится манера исполнения Виктора Морозова. Следует отметить и традицонно внимательный подход к оформлению диска. Тексты песен представлены полностью, на фотографиях видны фрагменты текстов песен. как я понимаю, написанные рукой автора. Моя оценка 5 из 5.