ManSound. Hymn of Ukraine. /mini-pack/. (State Anthem of Ukraine) | | Track Reviews (4) |
The group ManSound has already assigned to itself the glory of one of the most interesting and professional jazz collectives of Ukraine. Including – among the collectives that perform music a capella. Moreover, cooperation between the group and one of powerful music recording houses has recently begun – it is entirely obvious that jazz is achieving a new stage of development here. And the first result of their cooperation is not quite a usual release. Actually, the name of this single speaks for itself – the national Anthem of Ukraine really sounds here. All the three versions of the Hymn are variations in the range from gospel and soul to swing – and, to tell you the truth, all the tracks sound just cool. Common sense seems to prompt that we should expect for a skeptical attitude to this kind of experiments. But, dear guests, I insist – the disc is a very qualitative, joyful, live present for all admirers of jazz. Moreover, it is an illustration of how creative approach may change set stereotypes in the radical way. Personally I, for example, have always known that the hymn of a country must sound solemnly – and now I know that its solemnity may be really joyful. And with this new knowledge – I'm amused. Anton Jozhik Leyba (Hedgehog)
Publisher: Comp music Year: 2006
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- ManSound
Domestic price: 252.84UAH
International price: $12.90USD
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
Domestic price: 252.84UAH
International price: $12.90USD
See also:
Audio cassette/ ..Have a trip through the world Ukrainian folk tales and legends.
Domestic price: 409.64UAH,
International price: $20.90USD
The new work by VV managed to cause a lot of agitation even before the official release – and that was absolutely deserved. This refers both to the song, and the video for it – Oleg Skrypka and his friends are not afraid of subjecting themselves to creative experiments, that is why the video "Chio Chio San" for many became a real surprise..
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
Brand new single by VV! Disc includes three new songs, two remakes of the songs of Victor Tsoy and "Kino" group in Ukrainian and great video clip "Zoryana Osin'"
Domestic price: 292.04UAH,
International price: $14.90USD
The variations differ from each other so much that you have nothing to do but be surprised – this sounds similarly cool with Balkan themes, and with electronic funk, and in other versions. Thus, I think, this disk can interest not only fans of "Tartak" but considerably wider audience as well.
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
For some time Ruslana, it seemed, had disappeared somewhere – but it has appeared that she had not. It has been revealed that she just – well, certainly – prepared a new powerful explosion on the plane of the domestic ethnic pop. Well, and now – the first robin, the first powerful explosive bullet – here you are!
Domestic price: 252.84UAH,
International price: $12.90USD
From the very beginning these people promised that they would compose a high-quality European music, and to my mind it is exactly the thing they are busy with at the moment. This maxi-single, I think, is another confirmation of this fact.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
The first single of the future "Syla" ("The Force") album.
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
...Moreover, even classical "Fly of the bumblebee" by Rymskyi-Korsakov and Ukrainian folk song "Shchedryk" found their place there. The latter can be considered as the forerunner of the second album. But it’s not the end yet. Several months ago JazzEx made an arrangement of a song "Vidchynyai" – the work of one of the most noticeable Ukrainian pop-rock groups Druga Rika...
Domestic price: 350.84UAH,
International price: $17.90USD
...such names as George Benson, George Gershvin or Steve Wander, as well as their compositions, are well known to everyone. You should not have any doubt – it will be pleasant to listen to the adaptations of famous compositions presented at this disc. They cannot be usual simply because the group performs a-capella...
Domestic price: 546.84UAH,
International price: $27.90USD
Оксана Чадаєва
, Київ
16-10-2008 07:33 |
Мені сподобалось. Як любителю акапельного співу. А те, що така обробка гімну-це нормально! Популяризація, так би мовити, національних символів - то хіба є якісь порушення?...По-моєму, так і має бути...:)
, Івано-Франківськ, Україна
22-05-2008 23:05 |
Гимн України у виконанні МanSound мені не сподобався. Фе (((
Тобто не саме виконання, а аранжування - занадто не-гимнове
, Украина
01-03-2008 19:23 |
Слова и музыка Государственного Гимна Украины утверждены Законом Украины " О Гимне", принятым в марте 2003 года. Скажите каким Законом утверждены Ваши вариации Государственного Гимна Украины? В какой еще цивилизованной стране додумались записать на диск вариации на Государственный Гим своей страны? Это прямое надругательство над символикой государства, одним из элементов которой является Государственный Гимн. Одно утешает, у Вас хоть слова соответсвуют тексту Государственного Гимна в отличии от Пономарева, который в своем диске половину слов переврал как и хор им. Г.Веревки, а руководители страны и депутаты им подпевают, положив руку на сердце.
, Lviv
26-05-2007 02:29 |
5 з 5-ти
Domestic: 311.64UAH
International: $15.90USD