The history of the vocal sextet JazzEx began in 1991 when it was founded by Maryna Karusenko and Volodymyr Mihnovetskyi (who also became a founder of ManSound later on). At that time the full name of the band was Jazz-Expromt and under this name the group achieved its first fame and won several awards at some international festivals. In recent years there was no news about JazzEx except that they were working at two new programs and two albums correspondingly. The first one had to consist of standards, the second – of arrangements of Ukrainian folk songs. Actually, the former of the records the band promised to release you can see now. This is the album of standards but you shouldn’t understand this literally. The album consists of the arrangements of jazz evergreens, but there are also arrangements of such popular songs as "Besame mucho","La belle dame sans regrets". Moreover, even classical "Polit dzhmelya" ("Fly of the bumblebee") by Rymskyi-Korsakov and Ukrainian folk song "Shchedryk" found their place there. The latter can be considered as the forerunner of the second album. But it’s not the end yet. Several months ago JazzEx made an arrangement of a song "Vidchynyai" ("Open the door") – the work of one of the most noticeable Ukrainian pop-rock groups Druha Rika. The new version appeared to be so successful that very soon the two bands made a joint video clip and also an arrangement of another Druha Rika’s popular song "Try hvylyny"("3 minutes"). So this is how it happened that the album of standards took a non-standard shape. But let’s render our due to the band as such experiments did good to the work. After all, the quality of sound and performance is undoubtedly high, so the more diverse is the program – the better.
Publisher: Moon records Catalogue number: MR 2615-2 Year: 2007
See all albums and songs of the musician(s) on our site:
- JazzEx
Domestic price: 250.60UAH
International price: $17.90USD
Fragments of the compositions marked with mark are available for listening. How to listen?
Domestic price: 250.60UAH
International price: $17.90USD
See also:
All the three versions of the Hymn are variations in the range from gospel and soul to swing – and, to tell you the truth, all the tracks sound just cool. Common sense seems to prompt that we should expect for a skeptical attitude to this kind of experiments. But, dear guests, I insist – the disc is a very qualitative, joyful, live present for all admirers of jazz.
Domestic price: 208.60UAH,
International price: $14.90USD
...such names as George Benson, George Gershvin or Steve Wander, as well as their compositions, are well known to everyone. You should not have any doubt – it will be pleasant to listen to the adaptations of famous compositions presented at this disc. They cannot be usual simply because the group performs a-capella...
Domestic price: 382.20UAH,
International price: $27.30USD
, Київ, Україна
01-06-2019 18:35 |
Диск без вагань рекомендую до придбання. Один з найкращих зразків співу акапелло. Записаний теж непогано.
29-05-2009 17:22 |
Затем, Александр - имхо, конечно - что, если музыка не продается, то музыкантам нечего есть. Если не продаются диски - рекординги просто не рискуют финансировать выпуск следующих альбомов, и приходится их издавать своими силами. Конечно, теперь они все чаще не издаются на дисках, а просто выкладываются в Сеть - но не потому, поверьте, что музыкантам не хочется продавать свои диски. У них должен быть выбор - это их творчество и их право. Нам вот не кажется, что все музыканты должны зарабатывать исключительно игрой "на шляпу".
, Киев, Украина
29-05-2009 10:24 |
Зачем платить полтину за то что можно скачать бесплатно???
, Чернівецька область, Україна
23-04-2008 23:52 |
альбом супер..приємно,що поряд з МенСаунд в Україні є ще один достойний а-капельний колектив..
, Харьков
12-04-2008 13:51 |
С удовольствием прослушал диск, МОЛОДЦЫ!!! Качество записи просто супер!!Ждем-с следующего альбома:)))
, Луганск, Украина
25-02-2008 11:27 |
JazzEx. Bee JazzEx - мой формат. Получил (и получаю) кайф. Плохо,что приходится заказывать и ждать,т.к. в магазинах (Луганск) попса+блатняк+отстой+кислота.МУЗЫКИ нет. Хор Киево печерской Лавры очень хорошее качество записи.
, Киев, Украина
30-12-2007 05:40 |
Jazzex - супер! Вы лучшие! Диск просто класс!! Спасибо! Получил огромное удовольствие! Желаю больших творческих успехов!